"Cheap enough" is synonymous with "affordable enough to be a reasonable risk."

Also, I stopped paying goofy prices for figures, especially when I realized it was becoming the norm, not the cost for standout models that would be the centerpiece of an army. I have paid silly prices for a couple AoS books, because I wanted to try to sort out the fluff (it actually made things worse for me), and in relation to that, this book is certainly more affordable, and thus "worth it."

It's like people think any use of the word "cheap/cheaply/cheaper" has to be some kind of negative indictment of the product being discussed.

I doubt I'll buy more models, because I've got a ton waiting to be worked on, and I'm not that interested in most of the new releases. I'd have to modify almost all of them to make them usable, and I don't feel like paying a lot for something I have to fix. It'd be like paying $50,000 for a Civic that needs the engine and brakes completely replaced. Only ones I might be tempted by are the box of 20 Khorne loonies for $60, that's reasonable. And the "Getting Started" box, because I have almost no Chaos Warriors. (Plenty of everything else Chaos related, though.)