Firstly, I should say, I am not pushing this as a cheap wind up. Secondly, I have absolutely no provenance for this - except it comes from a guy in a wargames group I go to who I trust, and this is how the story goes.

On the group, he posts this link:


Which if you click it, should go to a sort of happy clappy 'head shop' selling dream catchers and that sort of tat. Anyhoo, at link they claim to be having a contract with GW to create 'exclusive licensed products'.

The FB conversation with my contact say:

'I would be very surprised if GW had licensed these'
'Not in a million years lol'
(him) 'Well I emailed GW it turns out they are lol'.

So, on face value:

A firm a pushing product is using GW IP

The firm claims it is an exclusive contract

My mate say he emailed GW and they confirmed it is legit.

So, with Toy fairs etc, and now this licensing, is GW pushing the boundaries?