How do?

One of the things I've been greatly enjoying about the Horus Heresy range is how Forgeworld have reached into the past for inspiration, and brought venerable Rogue Trader styled units right up to date.

Two of the earliest of course come from Epic Space Marine in the form of the Contemptor Dreadnought, and the Space Marine Bike, and below (unless I've blobbed it) you should find example piccies...

As an official sad, rapidly ageing git (I'm 35, you know!) these kits were a bit of a revelation. For over 20 years I'd wanted to see these sculpts in 40k scale. Not just because I prefer them to the blockier modern designs, but because they have a certain Art Deco vibe.

We've also seen the old Space Crusader Chaos Dreadnought reimagined as the Deredeo, and upgunned support variant, not to mention the very welcome return of Imperial Robots, again with slight reimagining into Mechanicum Battle Automata.

The latest update are the ancient Chaos Renegade Heavy Weapons. These ones, to be precise.


And again, I'm loving it. It's as if we can chart the developing GW style, from Art Deco through Brutalist and into Neo-Classical (just co-opting terms! Don't judge me!). It gives me proper warm and fuzzier.

But as the title suggests, what is left to be all spangly updated?