Quote Originally Posted by Asymmetrical Xeno View Post
I'll agree on the models. Personally id like a fully updated sisters range, a few characters for salamanders and white scars,
I'd like an Iron Hands character before Sallies and White Scars- the latter two at least have a Character already (several for Salamanders with the awesome FW Characters, although sadly these are mostly without models). I don't even have Iron Hands but I think they could have an awesome Character. Perhaps a Character Venerable Dreadnought as an HQ option would fit their style best.
redone IG with mixed gender,
Yes please! I really find my old Cadians just don't look great, especially compared to newer stuff like the Tempestus Scions, or even the newer Cadian kits like the Command Squad.
some female Eldar stuff...and I'm sure theres more that could be done.
Banshees and other Aspect Warriors done in plastic would be great for Eldar. Warp Spiders, Dark Reapers, Striking Scorpions and Swooping Hawks all need new models. Fire Dragons too, although not so badly.

New Sisters is a given. I really don't know why the one all-plastic model in their range is no longer available, as that is likely one of the few models that would remain unchanged after a Grey Knight style reboot. The Immolator looks cool too.