A while back, I purchased the "Start Collecting..." Imperial Guard set. For $85 US you get a Leman Russ, a cadian squad, a cadian heavy weapons team, and a commissar. Great deal, love it. The formation is pretty cool, too.


for a long time, Battlescribe did not have the formation listed under Imperial Guard. So I would create the formation as an Allied Detachment, with a Lord Commissar, a Veterans Squad, and a Leman Russ. Does that fulfill the requirements of the formation? It says the formation includes:

1 Officio Prefectus Commissar
1 Infantry Squad
1 Leman Russ

It's clear that the Leman Russ can be any variant, which is cool. But can the infantry squad be veterans, or do they have to be normal infantry? Can the commissar be a Lord Commissar, or does he have to be the 1 wound commissar attached to a normal infantry squad? Could you make this formation with a Leman Russ, a Veterans squad, and a commissar attached to the Veterans?

I only ask because I'm curious. No one in my gaming group frankly cares at all how I make the formation. It's a good formation, but not game-breaking, and even when I load out the veterans with plasma and grenade launchers, it doesn't make that much difference.

So what does everyone else think?