Hello all,

I am looking to sell several of my Warhammer armies. Every model/unit listed here is painted unless stated otherwise. The Raven Guard were a commission job by David Roberts of the UK, The Sisters of Battle were done by Jud at JACGames, and Grey Knights and Warriors of Chaos were done by Chuck at Shenanigans Games. I'd like to keep each army whole, rather than break out units or individual models. And pictures are definitely available on request. Here is what I have for sale:

GREY KNIGHTS: Asking $400

1 Dreadknight
1 Castellan Crowe
3 Terminators with Force Staves
4 Terminators with Force Swords and Storm Bolters
2 Terminators with Force Swords and Psycannons
3 Terminators with Force Halberds and Storm Bolters
1 Terminator with a Force Halberd and Psycannon
3 Terminators with Force Hammers
1 Rhino/Razorback (the hatches can be swapped)
5 Power Armor with Force Hammers
3 Power Armor with Force Halberds
10 Power Armor with Force Swords
2 Power Armor with Force Halberds
2 Power Armor with Flamers
8 Power Armor with Psycannons
4 Power Armor with Psilencers
1 Storm Raven
1 Current/Latest Grey Knights Codex


11 Chaos Knights
48 Chaos Warriors
10 Chaos Chosen
10 Chaos Hounds
1 "Counts As" Chaos Sorcerer (Reaper Mini)
1 8th Ed. Warriors of Chaos Armybook
* All units come on custom trays.

RAVEN GUARD: Asking $600

2 Drop Pods
1 Customized StormRaven
1 Storm Talon Gunship
10 Scouts with Sniper Rifles
2 Land Speeders with Multi-Meltas
10 Sternguard Veterans
10 Tactical Marines - 1 Multi-Melta, 1 Plasma Gun, Sgt. has Power Fist
15 Assault Marines with Jump Packs - 3 Plasma Guns, 1 Sgt. with Power Fist/Storm Shield, 1 Sgt. with Power Axe/Storm Shield
5 Devastator Marines - 4 with Heavy Bolters, 1 Sgt.
1 Hunter/Stalker (assembled, unpainted)
1 Vindicator (assembled, unpainted)
1 Forge World Librarian
* all models (unless noted) are painted to a high standard with some nice conversion work, decals, and squad markings.


1 "Counts-As" Uriah Jacobus (Female Inquisitor with Shotgun)
5 Seraphim
3 Sister Superior with Power Swords
10 Assassins
2 Sisters with Simulacrum
1 Sister with Banner
4 Sisters with Meltas
2 Sisters with Heavy Flamers
16 Sisters with Bolters
1 Dialogus
1 Cannoness with Melta Pistol
2 Forge World Immolators (assembled, primed white)
3 Exorcists (GW Sisters of Battle Immolator kit with Forge World Whirlwind Missile Turrets, assembled, primed white)

...and that's it! Whew. Have at it, and thank you for taking the time to check out my listing.