Well, when you have nothing to say what a person can or can't take, it's too easy for a person to buy their way to victory, dropping a thousand dollars or so on the elite models and the right stuff to buff everything to make it even nastier. Sure, "don't be a jerk" should be a given, but eh, everyone just assumes their opponent will be a jerk if given the chance, it seems. But you could have a situation where someone wasn't trying to be a jerk, and ended up with something way too nasty, like if someone shows up to fight, say, 50 Empire models with 40 Ogres, and is too young/new to realize that's not going to be a fair or fun match (or even just the types of units on each side). The one "balancing" mechanic was terrible, and that didn't help the game's rep.

With more ways to play, it should help everyone, even outside of Matched Play. Optimism's a nice thing, eh?