So i finished a game of 40k this evening, It was a great game Sisters of Battle verse Chaos Space Marines (Khorne),Happy with the game head home. Once i get the key through the door i sit down and wonder if there is any news on BoL. Other than none interesting articles that i have no concern with there was nothing there but this time there was.

But it was not an article on new Miniatures from GW nor was it an article on Slaneesh and he/she/its true purpose it was a "Political add" campaign for Britain to leave the EU. Now i understand that BoL needs to make money through advertising but to pick a side and shove an opinion which in all fairness is Fear/lies/hatred in peoples face's, Is pretty low BoL if this is your stance on my countries actions then frankly your going to put off a lot of UK users from visiting your site.

So why are Political adverts shown on here? Unless the real Emperor has been found or we have mastered teleportation why are these adverts shown they have nothing to do with Warmachine, D&D, X-Wing, 40k etc or the community which we are all in. Politics should be kept completely separate. I noticed that soon after the Sky News report at a local tabletop club happened we started seeing these adverts.

My only guess that BoL is part of the Murdoch family or Maybe they just want cash and got offered good money by the absolute filth that want to ruin our country? just sayin