My buddy is super into Genestealer cult. I suggested taking Tyranid allies until he can eventually buy 60+ hybrids. The dude's sitting on a mountain of Nid models... I'd suspect one of everything short of a dimachaeron (he's got epic Hierophants and Harridans).

I suggested a Flyrrant, Hive Crone (for some air) 30 Termaguants, Tervigon and Zoanthrope (for more Psychic dice). I know he has all the models... but he's got a sickness... he wants to make count-as/proxies/conversions from Imperial miniatures.

His idea is an Arvus Lighter and a Vulture gun ship to represent the flying monstrous creatures, dreadknight to represent Tervigon, crappy militia to represent the termaguants. He's an amazing conversion guy, so there's no doubt he'll do a great job, but the proxying a winged hive tyrant with a vehicle on a flight stand doesn't seem right to me.

I am attempting to talk him out of it, but he feels that plain old Nids just don't stack up well with the the new Genestealer Cult models.

Wondering, what are people's thoughts? Is there a strong argument against his crazy plan?