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  1. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Oh, sorry for the late reply. Ah true, blue might give it a good look as well. The main reason for green is to stick with the limited colour palette I've got going on.

    I finally got round to put the photos I took Sunday onto the PC. The vehicles are a bit shiny right now as they're in their gloss coat to apply the decals. I'll blend them in over the week, and then I can move on.

    In the end I decided not to further embellish the front bumper. The decals on the flanks are already pushing the limit in terms of visual balance. But I wanted to stick with the insignia standards I've got going on in the army. Vehicle number in normal- and roman numbering, a campaign badge, a few chapter badges, and the black blood drop for the 5th company, and then some bling here and there.

    The dread received the same insignia, and I managed to put a fancy ribbon on his hoodie collar, although the gloss coat makes it difficult to see.

    And then the Oni. It was touch-and-go for a moment and I was just working with the darkest tone, got a phonecall, and fumbled gloriously... But I did manage to straighten it out a bit. I think I'll just do a few more highlights and then move on. I realized that I have little over a month to go before our annual gaming weekend and I've got a box full of minis to paint. Not the whole Rising Sun box of minis though, just a selection. the whole box is easily over 60 minis... :S

    But yeah, so I'll need to paint them a lot quicker, or at least get them to a visually interesting stage, and hope they survive a few games without a protective coat on. Luckily most of the crew are familiar with miniature games so there's only minimal chance of ham-fisted babooning.
    Last edited by Meph; 04-17-2018 at 02:13 PM.
    Blood Angels Army Project

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