I wanted to ask the BolS community here what people think the best tactics are for Legion of the Damned Elite Unit from the 5th Ed Space Marines Codex.

I don't really mind if you think they are over priced or worse then other options. I use them because i own a bunch of the original models and they were always my favorite growing up and was very happy to see them as a playable unit again.

Currently i am tossing around Two ways of using them,

First: up close fire unit, fielding them with a Flamer and Heavy flamer. Making both twin-linked by fielding Vulcan (i know cheese to use character out side of chapter) and then Deep Striking close enough to burn large hordes of Imp Guard, Orks or Eldar (my three most common foes) all easy to kill with flames. In later rounds assaulting between burns to prevent them from coming under fire. But often if what happens is i DS and kill a unit pretty good and then get overwhelmed by fire. The 3+ inv save is nice but doesn't help against heavy fire. Against heavy armor armies i switch it over to Melta and Multi-Melta and DS behind Tanks and melt tail pipes often with the same effect, kill one tank and then overwhelmed by fire.

Second: ranged support fire, fielding Lascannon or Plasma Cannon to dish out damage from afar making use of the Slow & Purposeful feature of relentless to move around and fire to keep targets in range or to keep Close combat units from getting in assault sooner. I dislike this because i often am only able to keep people in range for the large ranged weapons regardless if i can shoot the rapid fire at max while moving. i feel like i am spending a lot for a single cannon that i could get from something else.

If any of you have thoughts, please share and thank you
