Evidently BattleFoam is attempting to sue FoamCorps/Outridder


It's interesting what they say in that document. I guess BattleFoam FEELS that due to a pending patent, that they believe they're the ONLY company that can use a laser to cut foam trays to protect "articles".

It gets better as you read. By reading that one is to believe that they feel that Outrider is using the same technology to make the trays (and this is wrong why?, can I not use the same hammer as the next guy to frame a house?), and that someone at Outrider INFILTRATED BattleFoam's top secret manufacturing facility to STEAL thier trade secrets, but since it's not BattleFoam using the laser, that the products are Inferior too!

Well IF the products are inferior, what are they worried about? If they're using the same technology tho, how are they inferior? See how stupid that sounds?

They do claim that they think people are confusing FoamCorps for BattleFoam too, but between the two names, there's no link what so ever, aside from Foam being in both names, and they both use lasers evidently to cut the trays. Quite frankly, I never knew BattleFoam used lasers in particular to make thier trays either. I never thought about it, but figured it was some sort of process like that. So the average joe I don't believe knows, or even cares HOW they make the trays. lol

By BattleFoam's way of thinking, I guess Sabol should sue BattleFoam for taking the idea of foam trays in a carrying case and running with it too? Or that GamesWorkshop should sue Sabol for taking the idea of a miniatures carrying case and making it A LOT better, years before BattleFoam ever thought of making cases and foam trays? See how idiotic that sounds?

Laser cutting foam trays is not a new technology. Cutting foam to protect "articles" for civil services like EMS and law enforcement professions have been around for years, but they want to make it sound like they came up with the idea first.

Here are examples of how BattleFoam is not the first company to laser cut foam trays, to protect "articles" within...





Interesting isn't it?

Your thoughts?