Quote Originally Posted by iamaddj View Post
Like I said I think the army is fine, I love that you have a theme and want to stick to it, and I fully understand (and support) building for theme and because you like the models, I do that also, its awesome, its what at heart the game should be about. So all my suggestions are just for competitive play and don't really take fluff in to much consideration. And I just want to say I really like where how this army is looking, seems like a lot of fun.

About Raiders, I think the problem (because I have seen this also at times) is not with the unit but with how they are being played. People seem to use them just like they use other heavy cav, which they are most certainly not. People often fail to go for flanks with them, and I have never seen people keep them in reinforcement which is a tactic I think is very good but under used.

I don't really think the Morgul Knights being only 4 companies is a super big deal. It kind of sucks but and if it was a drop from say 6-7 to 4 I would say thats a problem, but 4 is a pretty good number, and it would give unit a banner (which I think is really important for cav, or any assault unit really). Over all I think this unit would be more effective and powerful then the Easterling Kataphrakts, but it is in the end a matter of taste.

Suladan is pretty awesome.

Yea I cant wait til its finished im hoping for a few months after Christmas for completion but I never know with myself. Its hard to inspire myself to paint.

Yea I guess so. I may consider Raiders if I go to 2500pts later but im not even going to consider that expansion until much later.

Yea I think I might take 4 companies of Morgul Knights with Banner Bearer instead of 5 companies of Easterling Kataphrakts. It would be a better retinue for my Ringwraith wouldn't it?

Also while on that topic what is your thoughts on The Betrayer? Also what would you consider to be the BEST Ringwraith both fluffwise and rulewise?