hey there, as i have been playtesting my ard boyz list i consider swaping out the death leaper for one of the above...

OR i could also probly fenagle(probly slaughtered this word) the pts for a plain hive commander flyrant, for that extra outflanker/+1 reserves, and an extra set of parox/leech

now i realise hes pretty fragile and costs 20pts more than the leaper, but i think he could have some unique uses for my army,
first off hes an IC so he could join my multipurpose 20 strong super-gargoyle unit.. or other units if i dont need his speed(armys that come to me)....

secondly hes just cool and turns things into d6 ripper bases which although wont make or brake a game can come in handy or be a nuisance to the enemy... one particular application to this is say him and gargs are in CC and my opponent has a unit all set up to countercharge and help out, while in my CC phase i take out a few guys with the parasite and get 1 or 2 D6 worth of rippers, and i can put them within 6" of the parasite, and that being right between combat and the charging unit... im sure this can be avoided his turn by many ways but hey

thirdly i think he might even come in handy in some heavy hitter killing like mephiston(does he have eternal warrior??), MC's(wraithlords/DP's)... idk i might just be caught up in the idea of him and a better answer might just be to give a MC implant attacks..

onto the mawloc, my only question with him is since, you can deepstrike into area terrain as long as its not impassable, can the mawloc put his template over a unit in cover? if so does the unit get cover saves? and also does he take the dangerous terrain test for deepstriking into cover?

and the last choice seems to be one of the hives favorites, the prime, his uses are obvious, put him with my swarmlord and retinue for deathstar, or put him with podding zoanthropes(some people think its dumb but its sooo fun if he gets to charge and shred things the turn after)
or even hivegaurd and so on etc....

so any advice/ideas/C&C go right ahead

which should i choose in your opinion?? or should i just keep the leaper and his anti-psyker-ness??

Heres my list BTW


3x hivegaurd
2x zoans in spore

13 gaunts
14 devilgaunts
2x tervigon w/ clusters,toxin,onslaught
2x 10 toxic-stealers

20 gargoyles

trygon prime

tyrannofex w/ ruptue, cluster, shredders

also i know people will say remove the upgrades to the gargs but i much prefer them both there as per my playtesting