Okay I'm working on my Space Wolves, and I generally play at 1500 points at my LGW.

So here is the list, please give me a hand here.


Wolf Lord = 130
- Frost Blade
- Storm Shield
- Runic Armor
- Meltabombs

Venerable Dreadnought = 160
- Assault Cannon
- Extra Armor


Dreadnought = 115
- Assault Cannon


6 Grey Hunters = 162
- Bolter/CC weapon
- Meltagun

9 Blood Claws = 175 (Commander goes in here)
- Flamer
- Power Weapon
- Rhino

10 Blood Claws = 205
- 2x Powerfists
- Flamer
- Rhino

10 Blood Claws = 205
- 2x Powerfists
- Flamer
- Rhino

Fast Attack:

1 Attack Bike = 50
- Multi Melta

1 Attack Bike = 50
- Multi Melta

Heavy Support:

Vindicator = 125
- Siege Shield

Vindicator = 125
- Siege Shield

This list is not meant to be the ultra-competitive build, but it's not really casual either. It's somewhat in the middle, but leaning toward the competitive side.

I'm debating whether or not should I drop some points for extra armor for the most of my vehicles, it's extremely useful and I found that on my Rhinos it's golden. And for 5 points per upgrade... it's really too good to let it go by.

If anyone is wondering why my Razerback/Rhinos points are off, it's because at my LGW they let me use the points for vehicles in the normal Codex: Space Marines.

So, anything I should swap for something else?