Hello all! I'm new to WotR, but I've played a few practice games, and checked out the rules. I've settled on Isengard as my army of choice for two reasons: I like the look and style of the Uruk Hai Orks, and secondly, I want to be eeeeeevil!

So I want to collect an Uruk Hai themed Army, and would like to know, before spending my hard-earned, what people would consider to be worth taking in a force, and what's best left sitting on the bench. There's always some upgrades in a force that are essential, and some that are junk, always some stuff that looks great on paper but never works out so well in the game, and always some stuff that y'all should never leave home/cave/tower without! Any advice is welcome!

Also, I've purchased Battlehosts, and loooooove the look of all three Isengard-ey hosts that are available. I can't decide which to go for; Saruman's fighting Uruk Hai, Lurtz' scouts or the 'We've got da hobbits!' host. Anyone given 'em a test drive yet?