With the new Warmachine releases winding down, and Hordes about to ramp up, what armies are people looking at to play? Minions to me looks the most interesting. After seeing the farrow warlock and warbeast/jack I'm hooked! While it's probably hopeful wishing, I would really like to see a gobber caster, maybe something similar to the coven where there are 8-10 of them and they each provide one fury. Each time one dies, they lose a fury overall.

I played my first game against Hordes in Mark II two weekends ago in a tournament and I forgot how much I like the system. The transfer mechanic specifically, since if you have 1 furry on you it doesn't mean the game will necessarily end because of one small goof up. Yes, you pay a price and will probably have a lot of damage done to a warbeast through the transfer, but the game wont end immediately. In the tournament, I was getting beat pretty bad by an eFeora player, but ended up one shotting her with Seige's Rocket Gun, or as people at the store call it, the Man Cannon. I was not able to pull of the same one hit wonder shot against Hordes, and I liked it. I feel like the game becomes a little more tactical when killing the caster isn't a guarantee from one shot.