Hello there.
I ve been disconnected for almost 2 years for Fantasy. This tournament is like a "goodbye" for the 7th edition, so we will be using the old rules.
I have the new Skaven book and I dont know it as well as the older one, so help would be apprecieated for my army. Here it is:

- Plague Priest, Level 2, Great Pox Rat, Warpstone armour, Warpstone token
- Warlock Engineer, Level 2, Warlock Augmented Weapon, Warplock pistol, Warpstone token
- Warlock Engineer, Level 2, Warlock Augmented Weapon, Warplock pistol, Warpstone token
- 30 Clanrats, full command, ratling gun
- 30 Clanrats, full command, ratling gun
- 25 Clanrats, full command, ratling gun
- 20 Slaves
- 20 Slaves
- 3 Rat Ogres, 1 Packmaster
- 14 Gian rats, Packmaster
- 11 Giant rats, Packmaster
- Warp lightning cannon

What do you think? Will it be competitive? 8 power dice´+ 3 tokens
I have never used a Plague Priest before.
How dow the Great Pox Warp works???

Need help! Thanks!!!