Quote Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post
Yeah, like there was something to fall for in the first place.

I'm about 16 posts in, and your making a b-line for my ignore list.
Are you a bot?

I implore you to start at the top of this thread and actually READ the responses. Let me know when it gets strange, because it's not when I ANSWER your question of where to find the rule "Elite Armies" is it?

Please put me on your ignore list, because I am about 201 posts in and this is the first time I've encountered a person who can ask a question, ignore an answer, be snarky in response, ignore another answer, become agitated, get ANOTHER answer, call the person who answered the question 3 times a troll, bring mods into it, and threaten to ignore...

If you were to ignore me, that would complete your Decathlon.

Maybe next time, you may save yourself some carpal tunnel by looking up the rules yourself...which is sad, because I genuinely enjoy helping people with this hobby.
