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    Default What does the Emperor look like?

    Hi everyone, I’m an 3D artist working on an image of the Emperor - 30K era before his fight with Horus.

    There are not too many reference images of the Emp going around, the most highly detailed work I can find is the image below by Adrian Smith:


    And there are a few other bits from the Horus Heresy illustrated books.

    As a 40K fan since RT and owning every single codex and BL novel printed, I have painted an image of the Emperor in my own mind, but...
    What I am interested in is what other people visualise the Emperor looking like, perhaps a famous person is what you see when you read about him?

    With your help I was hoping to build an image that everyone (or perhaps the majority at least) feel is a good likeness and represents the master of mankind.

    Any help is much appreciated

    Last edited by Impactor; 08-06-2010 at 10:24 AM. Reason: Details...

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