I just started with epic a few weeks ago and I have fallen into sweet sweet love with it, though it is no replacement for 40k or for my gothic (all of which are themed after my beloved salamanders), I am having a tough time building a force of epic marines that works well, I have lost now multiple times to my friend who plays guard.

Due to guards superior # of models on the table and the fact that in epic defensively speaking hits are just as easy to cause to my tank as they are to yours, and yes 4+ armor on my predator is awesome but i only have 4 so even though we are elite I tend to die very easily, though realistic im at a loss as to how to resolve this, I have access to every model in the range so any advice anyone may have to this effect would be awesome.

P.S. it should say somthing that a powergamer like myself got monkeystomped like 5 times in a row and I still think I had the best minis experience ever, I do love me some epic.