Hi there vetern witchunter player trying space marines crimson fist style. This is for 1500 pts and its in Europe so a little more cover than the yanks will get.

Pedro Kantor 175

5 sternguard + 5 combi-meltas +drop pod 185
8 sternguard + 4 combi-meltas + Rhino

Ironclad dread +meltagun + ccw + seismic hammer+ heavy flamer + 2 HK missiles + drop pod 200

5 scouts + powerfist + combi melta 110
5 scouts + power weapon + combi flamer 100

landspeeder storm with heavy flamer 60
landspeeder storm with heavy flamer 60

2 landspeeders with multi-melta and heavy flamer 140

2 vindicators with dozer blades 240

Hard alpha strike a flank with scouts in LS storms and dreadnought should take out 2 tanks and infantry unit -second wave with vindicators and landspeeders. sternguard in rhino clear objectives and sternguard in drop pod assinate a tank or drop on objective (they are scoring with pedro). Pedro will go where he's told on the day.

Thoughts gentlemen and ladies