Good morning all,

Can somebody please explain the uses and positive points of Autocannons (AC) and Heavy Bolters (HB)?
I run Death Guard (C:CSM) and loyalist (C:SM) lists and have never quite managed to use the AC or HB effectively.

In my opinion the missile launcher (ML) is a much better more versatile weapon for marine squads especially as it is the same points cost. The HB's 3 St5 shots simply aren't worth loosing the chance to shoot frag or krak.

As for chaos terminators, the AC is more expensive than other options such as the Heavy Flamer (HF) and almost requires sitting back and firing at the enemy, whereas deepstriking with a HF (and combi-weapons for chaos termis) allows for a much more aggressive role and potentially a lot more wounds, after all the AC is only 2 shots.

The strength of the AC is a bonus but its armour penetration is medium and somewhat invalidates it's use against the toughest threats who almost always seem to have good saves. While I know that even 2+ saves can be failed it simply seems like the AC is far too many points to be used reliably for this role.

I can see the AC being useful to take out light vehicles. But if i am fielding a dreadnought i'd rather have an assault cannon, plasma cannon or mulit-melta for simple versatility and greater stopping power.

I'd love to hear your thoughts - am I just using everything wrong? It seems everyone is talking about things like the twin AC dreadnought and i'd love to understand their enthusiasm.

Thanks, and good gaming to all
