Hello! So I have a 1000pt game as IG vs Daemons this Thurs. His list has been killing everyone in an escalation league we are in so I figured I needed to get my game face on. Thus, I ask for advice on best how to handle Daemons. The main problem is that he is running a Bloodthirster along with a Daemon Prince. That weapons skill 10 is not good against my IG so I need to take something that can kill it quick. My thoughts were taking a Punisher with Pask and let him come to me. This would give me 20 shots, hitting on a 3+, with re-rolling wounds though only wounding on a 5+. I only need to do four wounds to take him out and the Pasknisher seems to be a way to do it in one shot.

I am also running a Vendetta and Valk. I could change the Valk to another Vendetta to try an hit him with three twin-linked lascannon. I also am running two vet squads with meltas. Maybe find some points for demolitions?

The rest of his list seems pretty easy to handle with Plaugebearers and Blooddrinkers or whatever you call the khorne troop choice. Anyways, I could use any advice you guys have to take out Daemons. I think I have a pretty good strategy running but this is the first time I have ever played a Daemon army.