So the Dark Kin have arrived in force and sadly enough for them, those who have chosen to play them in my area aren't what I would regard as the most fun people to play, so I'm kind of going all out to make things difficult for without further's something that I think will make my life easier when having to stomach a game with the pointy eared freaks from Comorragh.


Plasma Cannon -270

Rune Priest
Chooser of the Slain, Living Lightning, Tempests Wrath -110

Rune Priest
Bolter, Chooser of the Slain, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane -110

Rune Priest
Melta Bomb, Chooser of the Slain, Living Lightning, Storm Caller -115


Grey Hunters 5x
Flamer, Razorback: Twin Linked Assault Cannons -150

Grey Hunters 5x
Flamer, Razorback: Twin Linked Assault Cannons -150

Grey Hunters 5x
Flamer, Razorback: Twin Linked Lascannons -150

Grey Hunters 5x
Flamer, Razorback: Twin Linked Lascannons -150

Heavy Support

Long Fangs 6x
5x Missile Launchers, Razorback: Twin Linked Plasma Guns/Lascannon -215

Long Fangs 6x
5x Missile Launchers, Razorback: Twin Linked Plasma Guns/Lascannon -215

Long Fangs 6x
5x Missile Launchers, Razorback: Twin Linked Plasma Guns/Lascannon -215

Total: 1850

Brought as much firepower as I really think is necessary to stop them from crossing the field...Assault Cannons for when I need target Saturation, Lascannons for the insurance against Flicker Fields, Living Lightning against Night Shields, Bjorn because there really isn't much in the Dark Eldar army that can touch him in Close Combat (Yes I know there will be a **** ton of Dark Lances and the like being thrown at him; however, I think he has enough Rhino Chassis to use for cover while the little buggers make their way across the field) and he is exceptionally awesome with helping to get the first turn to make things difficult on my opponent. So kids, what do you all think?