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  1. #1

    Default 2k Razorwolf List

    This is the new Razorwolf list I'm working on. C&C plz!

    + Rune Priest [110]
    - Chooser of the Slain
    - Living Lightning, Stormcaller

    + Rune Priest [110]
    - Chooser of the Slain
    - Murderous Hurricane, Stormcaller

    + Wolf Guard Pack [215]
    - 5x Wolf Guard with Powerfist & Combi-Melta

    + Wolf Scouts [110]
    - 5x Wolf Scouts; 1x Meltagun, Meltabombs

    + Grey Hunters Pack [165]
    - 5x Grey Hunters; 1x Meltagun
    - Razorback with Lascannon & TWL Plasmagun; 1x Hunter-Killer Missile

    + Grey Hunters Pack [165]
    - 5x Grey Hunters; 1x Meltagun
    - Razorback with Lascannon & TWL Plasmagun; 1x Hunter-Killer Missile

    + Grey Hunters Pack [165]
    - 5x Grey Hunters; 1x Meltagun
    - Razorback with Lascannon & TWL Plasmagun; 1x Hunter-Killer Missile

    + Grey Hunters Pack [165]
    - 5x Grey Hunters; 1x Meltagun
    - Razorback with Lascannon & TWL Plasmagun; 1x Hunter-Killer Missile

    + Grey Hunters Pack [190]
    - 8x Grey Hunters; 1x Flamer, 1x Wolf Standard, 1x Mark of the Wulfen
    - Rhino; 1x Hunter-Killer Missile

    + Grey Hunters Pack [190]
    - 8x Grey Hunters; 1x Flamer, 1x Wolf Standard, 1x Mark of the Wulfen
    - Rhino; 1x Hunter-Killer Missile

    + Long Fangs Pack [140]
    - 1x Pack Leader
    - 5x Long Fangs with Rocket Launchers

    + Long Fangs Pack [140]
    - 1x Pack Leader
    - 5x Long Fangs with Rocket Launchers

    + Long Fangs Pack [140]
    - 1x Pack Leader
    - 5x Long Fangs with Rocket Launchers

    Total: 2000
    Last edited by blackarmchair; 11-07-2010 at 02:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Augusta, Ga


    It almost seems like there's just too much superfluous gear and units floating around in this list.

    Hunter Killer Missiles, they could sit for a little longer. The Wolf Guard...about 2 of them are really useful, there's no point in taking them with the Razorback Grey Hunter units due to their small size and limited combat ability...not to mention, Meltas should be shooting out of the top of Rhinos.

    I would trim down the Wolf Guard to two with CM/PF, one Blank and with the Leftovers buy another Lazorback...

    Something of that sort, just for more target saturation and firepower...but that's just me.

  3. #3


    Hmm, that's not a bad idea.

    The thinking behind the wolfguard is two-fold. In the case that the transports are destroyed the squads inside still have a purpose. In assault the 3x powerfist attacks can really do damage especially if you assault with 2x small units.

    I guess I included them due to my background. I'm new to min/maxing in this way and when I see a bare 5 man squad it just seems so useless. And useless men are so un-wolfy...

    I do see your point though. I've got to think about that.

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