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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Dubuque, IA, USA

    Default DE Kabalite (1,000 points)

    Hey there everyone, decided to revise my 1,000 point list and go with a different approach. C&C appreciated. (List is non-competetive, but is currently the foundation for my semi-competetive 1,850)

    Archon (HQ) @ 110 points
    + Agoniser, Shadow Field.

    9 Kabalite Trueborn (Elites) @ 213 points
    + Blaster (x4), Splinter Cannon (x2), Dracon, Agoniser.

    Raider @ 80 points
    + Night Shields, Flickerfield.

    10 Kabalite Warriors (Troops) @ 145 points
    + Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Sybarite, Agoniser.

    Raider @ 90 points
    + Splinter Racks, Night Shields, Flickerfield.

    10 Kabalite Warriors (Troops) @ 145 points
    + Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Sybarite, Agoniser.

    Raider @ 90 points
    + Splinter Racks, Night Shields, Flickerfield.

    Ravager (Heavy Support) @ 125 points
    + Night Shields, Flickerfield.

    Total: 998 points
    Last edited by Keldain; 11-21-2010 at 03:32 PM.

  2. #2


    my only question is why do you have blasters AND splinter cannons in the trueborn unit? its either anti infantry or its anti tank.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Dubuque, IA, USA


    Inflexibility is a weakness IMO, specialization makes a unit completely useless once it's performed it's primary task, why not I say? I can get a Blaster and a Splinter Cannon for the same price as a Dark Lance (slightly overpriced I'd say, or just enough to deter every unit from having them.)

    Say for example that I took out a Land Raider carrying a squad of marines the turn before, I was 18" away, they rolled a 2 for their run in an attempt to get into assault range, my opponent gauged his assault incorrectly, he end's up falling short, my Trueborn respond on my next turn with a withering hail of Blaster and Splinter Cannon fire, devastating the marines, giving my Trueborn the advantage they need to launch a counter assault and wipe out the marines, netting them a pain token.

    You see? Inflexibility would have left you at a distinct disadvantage, if there had been 2 Dark Lances, I wouldn't have been able to launch a counter-assault, granted I could've gotten two more easy kills, but I would've been left without a hope if for some reason they weathered most of the barrage and assaulted me (another reason there is a Dracon and Sybarite with an Agoniser in every squad, other than I don't believe in squads being run without leaders.)

    Hope my answer satisfies you.

    ~ Keldain

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    I like it.

    Personally i would suggest swapping 1,2 or maybe all 3 of the Ravagers weapons to disintergrators. As you say flexability is good. You've already got 4 blasters and 3 darklances in the list so heavy armour (which there won't be much of in a 1000 point list really) isn't gonna be a problem. Disintergrators just give you a bit more punch on taking out infantry squads, anything with a 2+ save etc.
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  5. #5


    I tend to disagree about the anti-armor in the list... My 1000 point list has 11 dark lances, 2 heat lances and 5 splinter cannons.

    I've seen too many dark lances wiff on a mech heavy list at even 1000 points to consider less :P

    Watched several games between friends and played some and I've seen mech heavy blood angels with at least 5 razorback/predator/vindicator type vehicles on the board. Or Guard with a mini-parking lot of chimeras and russes. You have to be able to open cans fast, and it's not like your lances exactly suck against marines when you do open those cans.

    Think about a competitive 1000 point mech marine or mech guard army. Lots of tanks/transports right? Well once those tin cans have been opened, he's got maybe 20 marines on the board. 11 lances is gonna hurt them real good.

    One great example I saw the other day was my buddies DE against Orks. Similar list to what I play. Ork player had a couple of trucks, one with boyz one with ard boyz, and a battlewagon with a big nob squad with warboss. I think a kan too.

    First turn he didn't do much. Wiffed on the shooting only managed to immobilize a truck and stun the wagon.

    Second turn he wrecked the wagon, blew up both trucks. Boyz and nobz got out on his turn and he started running them across the board.

    Third turn the lances turned on the nobz voiping over half of them off the board. They held, but when he removed the remaining boyz on his flank to a man, the nobz broke and they called it.

    The ork player lost the entire nob squad, the entire boyz squad, 1/3 of his ard boyz, both trucks, the wagon. The kan never got close to him and he lost:

    1 Reaver Jetbike... and only because he decided to charge it in with the ard boyz for lulz.

    My advice: Take lances. Lots of lances. Sometimes they wiff and you don't want to lose your one unit of actual anti-tank against a mech heavy list, or anything that can stand punishment for that matter. But when they don't wiff they rock socks. And if you have enough of them, even when one of your ravagers misses on all 3 shots, you have 2 more in your list to make up the difference.

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