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  1. #151


    I'm concerned that the focus of DoW3 will be the online experience, like CoH online. What interests me is the story, not multiplay ladders.
    Dark Eldar 4000pts, Eldar 2000pts, Dark Angels 2500pts, Tau 2000pts.

  2. #152


    CoH Online do have a SP campaign. It may be just copy/paste campaign from one of the previous games, but it is there.

    And about DoW3 they said something like "After releasing Retribution we will start to think about DoW3." I've read that Dark Crusade was going to be last expansion for DoW1, but then Soulstorm happened. It had its flaws, but it was a good game still.
    ‘I was there, the day Horus slew the Emperor.’

  3. #153
    Abbess Sanctorum
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Don't let any of the douchey dark crusade fanboys hear you say that. They'll **** their pants in rage.
    The mouth of the Emperor shall meditate wisdom; from His tongue shall speak judgment

  4. #154


    Quote Originally Posted by Mkvenner View Post
    Winter Assault and Dark Crusade were both good games. I will admit, Dawn of War 2 had a rough start IMO. Some players liked the competitive Company of Heroes style gameplay while others liked making buildings. This new iteration is trying to fix things by letting us have more units. At least, that is what I thought I read.

    I don't like traditional RTS of building buildings and Zerg Rushing people. So there will be no point in me buying thows games.

  5. #155


    And see, I like the Company of Heroes style of play. However, the one thing I would do is change the pop cap. Granted 40k is a skirmish sized battle, I would like to have more than just 3 squads of infantry and a tank like in Dawn of War 2. Company of Heroes did many things right. Its a shame Relic made most of the population of the units so high.
    "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."

  6. #156


    Quote Originally Posted by Melissia View Post
    Don't let any of the douchey dark crusade fanboys hear you say that. They'll **** their pants in rage.
    Well, Dark Crusade was probably better, but Soulstorm was still good game.

    Story-wise however DoW and WA was far superior than DC or SS. In DC only race-intro was cool, capitals and outro. SS was similar but without race-intros. In DoW and WA every mission was moving plot forward.
    ‘I was there, the day Horus slew the Emperor.’

  7. #157
    Abbess Sanctorum
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Oh, I think the population cost of the units are just fine. It's just that the actual pop cap is a bhit low for many peoples' tastes. I wish Relic would listen to the fans and deliver a double pop cap mode.
    The mouth of the Emperor shall meditate wisdom; from His tongue shall speak judgment

  8. #158


    I do hope they put more effort into the Eldar story now that they are protagonists. The Eldar are supposed to be experts at manipulating the lesser races, yet Idranel's 'machinations' were hamfisted at best. 'Lets completely ignore subtle manipulation and stand about on the planet surface waiting for for the Space Marines to attack us while our overarching plan for the system is incredibly unsophisticated and stupid, huzzah!'.

    Grumble grumble.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  9. #159


    Well it's a game, and one that has to appeal to the mass gaming public so of course the fluff is going to be truncated and the "enemy" factions are not going to be the smartest folks around. It's no worse than how they portrayed the Alpha Legion throughout DoW I and it's expansions ("SINDRIII!" "METAL BOXES!").

    With the actual Alpha Legion being some of the most tactically adept denizens of the galaxy and one of the only factions to have ever completely routed and humiliated the goldenboy Ultramarines. If anything, a 10,000 year old Alpha Legion lord would probably be more cunning than almost any Farseer and all but the high Archons of the DE, but instead they are apparently all snarling bald men.

    Ah well, looks good anyway, especially the Ork campaign. I really liked DoW II's campaign, but the multiplayer was pretty bad compared to Starcraft II and I got bored with that too eventually.

  10. #160


    Dark Eldar 4000pts, Eldar 2000pts, Dark Angels 2500pts, Tau 2000pts.

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