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Thread: Necron Rumours

  1. #121

  2. #122


    I bought, built and painted this Necron army in just under 3 months for a 6 week campaign and Apocalypse battle. I was quickly hooked on painting Necrons!

    2 Forge World Tomb Stalkers, another unit of Flayed Ones and another Forge World Gauss Pylon are on the bench. A little over 9,500 points of Necrons total.

    I vote for WBB instead of FNP.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Wakefield UK


    after looking at those pics i suddnenly have a very very bad feeling

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    I vote for WBB instead of FNP.
    Fortunately, points amassed/spent on a particular army doesn't mean that your vote is more weighted when it comes to determining the future of a codex - otherwise my 25,000+ points of Eldar would dictate that witchblades would act as power weapons.

  5. #125


    <lol> That's a lot of Eldar! 5 gallons of paint later, eh?

    Do you have photos of the whole Craftworld on-line someplace?

    I collected Space Marines 25 years ago, was bored with seeing everyone at the gaming table playing the same thing - hence the 3 months of buying/building/painting Necrons for a 6 week campaign and final Apocalypse game.
    Last edited by Maelstorm; 01-14-2011 at 06:56 PM.

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    No, I don't have it photographed since its a conglomoration of 3 different craftworlds / exodite fleets ... the ulthwe parts being painted like 17 years ago and not something I'm proud of putting on "film".

    I'm fielding 13k of it in an apoc game in Feb and you'll see pics of that.

    I went through 11 pots of bleached bone on my phantom titan - 5 gallons is close! :P

  7. #127


    Wow Malestrom. Very beautifully done. And done in less than 3 months? I can't even paint 5 minis in 3 months. Congradualtions on the stelar excelent job in painting all that.
    What is the most important rule? That we should do whatever the hell we want, but preferably in the best interests of Games workshop when possible? :P Ill go with that

  8. #128


    Thanks HsojVvad.

    I spent 2-3 hours every night during the week and then 5-10 hour on the weekends. I took the same time I was using to train for my first Ironman 70.3 triathlon during the spring/summer and started painting during the same hours.

    I used tactics from Fritz40k and Beasts of War to good effect durung the campaign. The Pylon was very effective during the Apocalypse game!

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    sunnyside WA


    Quote Originally Posted by Defenestratus View Post
    Necrons already have something better than drop pod assault - they have deep striking monoliths that can spit out necron warriors.
    its not the same as the SM DPA ...1st turn monoliths deepstrikeing , with no misshap like SM would be nice....

  10. #130


    4 monoliths: $240
    6 Bottles of GW paint: $24
    4 Paint Brushes: $15

    Deepstrike scatter onto a Baneblade with 3 of the 4 monoliths and making the Baneblade move out of the way for each Monolith: Priceless!

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