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  1. #1

    Default 1850 Competitive IG List

    Company Command squad.........130
    - 4 Vets w/ Meltas
    - Officer of the fleet
    - Company Commander w/ Power Weapon


    Vet Squad..............................165
    - 3 meltas
    - chimera
    - pintle mounted storm bolter

    Vet Squad..............................165
    - 3 meltas
    - chimera
    - pintle mounted storm bolter

    Platoon Command Squad..........50
    - 4 flamer

    3 Infantry Squads...................150

    3 Heavy weapons squad..........225
    -3 autocannons

    Fast Attack

    - 3 twin-linked lascannons

    - 3 twin-linked lascannons

    Heavy Support

    Leman Russ Demolisher...........165

    Leman Russ Demolisher...........165

    3 Basilisk................................375

    Generally I am very happy with how this army list is preforming. The one thing it has trouble with are lists that have tiny squads with anti-vehicle weapons (long fangs for example) These always seem to end up in area cover and are very difficult for my army to deal with. I am curious what you guys think of my list and what improvements you think could be made?
    Last edited by Archduke; 02-03-2011 at 03:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Looks like a solid list, with the exception of LR Demolishers. I'm not particularly experienced with Guard, but the short range seems like a big detriment. Demolisher cannons are mostly to just scare the opponent, I would think that a standard battle cannon would be a bit more useful due to the longer range.

    The vendettas and meltas give you good heavy AT, so I don't think you would have a drastic need for the demolisher cannon. A few extra 72" large blasts will help with those long fangs, though, even if they aren't the perfect solution. The 30pts you'd save could get you a few hunter killer missiles, too.

    An officer of the fleet would be more useful than a master of ordinance, as well. The MoO scatters too much to be more than an annoyance, but the officer can help hinder enemy outflankers that could get into your lines, and dissuade any similar reserves trickery.

    Aside from those two details, everything looks like a solid mech IG list. It might be a good idea to put the platoon command squad with flamers in the chimera and the vets in the vendetta, but that's a minor detail that can depend a lot on the opponent's army.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  3. #3


    Yea I agree that Master of Ordinance can be unreliable. A few options I have been thinking about for dealing with long fang like units is hell hounds since they ignore cover or a second CCS with Straken, a lord commissar, and a priest that I would insert with vendettas near the long fangs and attack them directly that way. What do you guys think of those options?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Champaign, IL


    I doubt that the MoO is as effective as you want him to be. He rarely does much. I could see him being used in a list that was literally putting in as many large blasts as possible at high points, but that's about all.

    I'm curious what the Infantry Squads are up to, without any guns or power weapons or a Commissar. Are they just going to ground on objectives?

    Take Heavy Stubbers insetad of Storm Bolters, if you must take them at all. In the worst case scenario, firing at infantry with 5+ armor, Heavy Stubbers have the same average number of wounds. They also have a much longer range.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    land of 10k taxes


    Nice list, only thing I'd change would be the pintle HSers on the Chimeras (don't get me wrong, I put them on most of the time). Use the 20 pts to put HBs on the Vendettas. I've found that the HBs on the vendettas are worth the points to give them some anti-infantry capability.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by ElCheezus View Post

    I'm curious what the Infantry Squads are up to, without any guns or power weapons or a Commissar. Are they just going to ground on objectives?
    Depends on the game type we are playing. In in objective games they sometimes sit on objectives. The majority of the time, they end up getting between the tanks and the enemies cc units or sprawling out to prevent deep striking near my precious bassies.

    Also, I edited the list so that it has the Officer of the fleet instead of the MoO.

  7. #7


    A few thoughts I had regarding the list:

    1) I'd personally lose the Power Weapon on the company commander. In most games I find the points are better spent on more dakka somewhere else. The power weapon won't discourage people from assaulting you, and in most cases (at WS4 & S3), it won't have the umph to reliably win a combat (though I have seend some rediculous things from them occassionally).

    2) Ditto on losing the storm bolters. Not really worth it for the tiny number of shots you'll get at BS3. Use the points to put flamers or grenade launchers on the infantry squads.

    3) Melta vets are gold. Vendetta's are gold. Autocannon squads are gold.

    4) Demolisher's are fine in my opinion, but the short range will make you cry sometimes. That being said the basilisks should keep the backfield pretty well plastered with ordinance. I'd probably swap one for a regular Russ though, just to be able to knock more targets.

    5) Multiple Barrage rules are a pain. But with the minimum range on the basilisks you'll prolly be direct firing them most of the time anyway. Maybe lose a basilisk from the squadron and use it to shoehorn in a hellhound or a banewolf.

    6) Other thoughts for dealing with Long Fangs. Colossus will make them die (if your scatter dice are kind, and they're not inside the minimum range). Banewolf will kill them dead (if you live long enough to get in range). Sly Marbo's demo charge will thin them out somewhat, and then they may spend a turn killing him. And hell, if you field rough rider's he might be so confused (or laughing so hard) that you might get into range to charge them and blow them off the board (don't count on it though). Honestly though, squads like that (particularly in multiples and dug in) are always gonna be a pain for a mech list. Just have to use cover yourself, and try to kill his toys faster than he kills your toys.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Right. Power weapon won't do you any good, nor will storm bolters. There are other things you can spend those points on, such as heavy weapons so your naked infantry have something useful to do other than just sit there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Archduke View Post
    A few options I have been thinking about for dealing with long fang like units is hell hounds since they ignore cover or a second CCS with Straken, a lord commissar, and a priest that I would insert with vendettas near the long fangs and attack them directly that way. What do you guys think of those options?
    I think you're going to need to have something to shoot at the Long Fangs, or outflank with Vendettas. Trying to drive across the board with your handful of chimeras is exactly what the Long Fangs would love. They have plenty of firepower to blow apart a few AV12 vehicles, and then kill the passangers with the rest of the SW list. You're either going to get to them via outflank, or by shooting.

    Taking a second CCS with straken, lord commisar and a priest is too many points for a poor way of dealing with long fangs, though. You might wipe one squad, but the rest of the SW army will then slaughter your lone CCS and characters. Long fangs are cheap enough that this probably isn't a good deal for you.

    Just a plain PCS with four flamers can do the job, though. You could probably hit all 5-6 fangs, and kill 3-4 through weight of fire. Take advantage of the fact that the Vendetta are not dedicated transports, and switch around squads as needed.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  9. #9


    So if I were to take the PCS in a vendetta, would you recommend that I also bring the astropath so I can get the side I want?

  10. #10


    I have one more question, what would you guys think of camo netting on the basilisk squadron, it only 30 pts for the whole squad to have stealth, do you think its worth it?

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