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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default High Elf IoB Prince... worth the points?

    I started playing back in October and started with the Isle of Blood set. I'm sort of partial to using the Prince on the Griffon because the model is exquisite and can really pack a punch to crappy infantry and is also a good unit to attack flanks due to maneuverability.

    I started using Prince Althran with the Star Lance and Vambraces of Defense, but now I prefer to field him as Eltharion on Stormwing. Either way, it is a cost of almost 500 points. Granted, as Eltharion, he is heroic in battle and there are no armor saves against his sword, and he is a lvl 2 mage, but is he really worth the points sink?


  2. #2


    No, large flying mounts are sadly ruined by the accuracy of cannons in this edition.
    Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. - Nathanael Greene

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Thanks for your honesty. I guess he's doomed to be a nice looking piece on the shelf... for now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    I agree, sadly with the stupid measure range rule inplay, cannons and other warmachines have a field day shooting at flyers and any monsters.

    Put a prince on a mount, with the usaul H/Armour, shield, Barding then Vambraces and orge blade. all of with is a lot less with a 2+ armour save with reroll and 4+ ward save and +2strength on every attack with rerolls to hit and wounding on 4+.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Waterloo, Ontario


    well, Jwolf is about 75% correct in his statement.
    Large Flying mounts are sadly ruined by the accuracy of cannons, this is true but how many armies can get cannons? 2, 4 if you include the hell cannon and the warplightning cannon which does not in itself have a whole lot of reliability (you could end up hitting a single model with a whopping S2 hit, huzzah!). There are other things that can ruin a flyers day, such as bolt throwers, but yet again not very many armies have bolt throwers, (High Elves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, O&G, and Lizardmen but theirs is on the back of a giant beast and is move or fire). There are of course the characters and magic items that can hurt and/or hinder the beast but they are either easily avoided or one shot items.

    So, I am going to say that if you have a single large creature in your army and nothing that can negate those warmachines or provide other viable and immediate threats then yes he is doomed.

    So you play high elves eh? If you face a lot of warmachines, or expect to, then get a couple units of Shadow Warriors and/or Ellyrion Reavers (which I deduce that you posses considering you are using the IoB griffon). The other option you have is to get some Great Eagles, they can fly around with your character or go off in different directions forcing your opponent to split his fire or have either a griffon prince or a bunch of eagles down his throat. One other thing I will mention, do not make your flying mounted lord your general.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    As i posted in the "Tiranoc Charior" thread, I'm considering losing the griffon in favor of 2 Tiranoc Chariots and 30 points elsewhere. So far, my mounted prince has been my general and well, that has forced me to consider alternatives and hence this thread.
    I've dabbled at using reaver knights, but I have never gotten a return in points for them. Infact, I'd be pressed that they are at all effective. At least the dark elf variant has two shots that are armor piercing. 8th edition reavers seem to have little effect.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by wilky View Post
    I agree, sadly with the stupid measure range rule inplay, cannons and other warmachines have a field day shooting at flyers and any monsters.

    Put a prince on a mount, with the usaul H/Armour, shield, Barding then Vambraces and orge blade. all of with is a lot less with a 2+ armour save with reroll and 4+ ward save and +2strength on every attack with rerolls to hit and wounding on 4+.
    I have pondered at doing something similar and putting him in with Dragon Princes. Would the Ogre Blade (+2S) or the Blade of Sea Gold (no armor saves) be better?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    New York City


    As with previous post, he is useful in certain situations. I used Eltharion on Stormwing against a Vampire player, went to his back lines, charged his vampire lord in a unit of skeletons and forced him into a challenge and kept him busy for several rounds (with some amazing dice rolling) until my swordmaster came up to help out.

    All depends on the army you face and how well you think you could use him.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Drachenprinzen View Post
    I have pondered at doing something similar and putting him in with Dragon Princes. Would the Ogre Blade (+2S) or the Blade of Sea Gold (no armor saves) be better?

    I tried the Blade of sea gold in a torn last year, and it failed really, as anything thats though comes along He will struggle, even with his rerolls. So the Orge blade will make it possible to hit ANYTHING in any game on a 4+ with a -3 to its armour save.

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