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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Just repainted my old Blood Angels...

    Also have a load of old Orks, Eldar and Tyranids to salvage from the loft.

    Before that I may work up a Demonhunters army using old Warzone models...maybe...

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Currently running 1500 pts SoB with no Inquistion models. So far they've done well about 70% of time I win, orks being my nemesis despite the amount of flamers.

  3. #43


    I play my 1850 IG list because tanks are cool and planes are cooler so why not have both. Plus I do field a platoon along with the mech because autocannons are good answers to alot of problems.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Newcastle upon Tyne, England


    Started collecting 40k in february 2009 so far i have colected and painted

    3500pts Space Marines "Stormgiants"
    3500pts Tyranids "Splinter Fleet Cerberus"
    3000pts Tau
    2000pts Imperial Guard "Cadian 12th Urban Assault Division"
    500pts Dark Eldar

    Next on the agenda Orks and maybe another Marine army ether SW or BA then Necrons

    on a slightly Different note

    Bretonians 2000pts
    Warriors of Chaos 10000pts+

    and no i dont want to think how much I have spent lol
    "I Have Become Death the Destroyer of Worlds"

  5. #45


    4-5k Black Templar

    not allot but I'm on my second pass at them. I keep re-doing them as I get better at painting. A project to convert greyknight terminators into regular BT termys took a long time. There's allot of bits to grind off of those GK termies.

    2000pts Eldar

    I started with Black Templar right before the trial assault rules from 3rd.

    As my brother told me if I'm not crusading then somethings wrong. I have a love hate relationship with my BT. I love their style and fluff but they seems to hate me on the table at times. Needless to say I lost a teams tournament because a crusader squad failed a zeal test and fell off an objective(lost 1 guy). Even had the Emperor's Champ in with them.

  6. #46


    I got too much and not enough time to play

    1st & 3rd companies White Scars
    About 5000 pts Guard
    About 2000 pts Inquisition
    working on painting about 3000 pts CSM
    Need to look at my orks sometimes and figure out what I have there.

    I large % of my stuff is OLDER minis.
    I'm thinking it'd probably turn out more like Daleks playing Quiddich. "It is the Potter!! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! " (someone I know on twitter)

  7. #47


    I play Necrons.

    My one and only 40k army.

    they are a blast to play even with the limitations of the older codex in the 5th edition landscape.

  8. #48


    I started with Grey Knights and got bored with them so I sold them and moved on to Codex Marines of which I have about 2K worth of models and have recently started a Tau army which just feels like "home" to me. I wish I would have went with my gut in the beginning instead of looking at stat lines. Oh well, here's to a long a fruitful relationship with the Tau empire.

  9. #49


    Fellends Crusade stands at a mighty 7000 points of Black Templar.

    I just love everything about the Black Templar, they are Crusaders, in space! With chainswords! Their solution to any problem is to visciously murder it.
    I was originally going to start playing Dark Elves for WFB, but they kept telling me to wait untill the new codex came out. Every time I went in to GW, I saw the cover of the Black Templar codex and eventually I just had to play them. They represent everything I think is great about the 40k world. Faith, Zeal and Honor!

    As a side project just to avoid the endless Marine on Marine matches I have 1000 points of Eldar

  10. #50


    Started in third edition with Dark Eldar ( big mistake) about 2k or so
    Then started to collect Chaos Space Marine and got that up to about 4-5k
    Also got collected about 3k of Grey Knights then sold them
    Started working for GW and sold my CSM for Space Wolves
    Gave my DE to a 12 year old Noob(needed the karma lol)
    Currently Built my wolves to 6k
    Also was given about 5k orcs (Allen you da man!)
    And just start-you guessed it- Dark Eldar again. I got a thing for assault armies

    Isnt funny how we come full circle!

    Next Army will prob be Tau or Nids

    Praise Russ!!

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