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  1. #21


    Termies as troops?! Whats next, you gonna tell me there bikers have skilled rider too, Dark Angels suuuuuuuck.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Flummer View Post
    Termies as troops?! Whats next, you gonna tell me there bikers have skilled rider too, Dark Angels suuuuuuuck.
    Relax man. I'm a Thousand Sons player (the other legion the SW had a problem with, because of all those psychic powers we liked to use) and i just looked at the rumoured powers of Stormcaller. Then I looked at Ahriman. Then Stormcaller's rumours. Then Ahriman. And so on.

  3. #23


    i wonder how things are gonna turn out.. atleast by the looks of things, i dont have to convert or raelly buy any new models.. except of course the new hq's.. but for them to be THAT pricy... idk if i would ever use them.. (as it is i dont use any)... so we shall see.. i just hope (although we may be out numbered) that they would atleast HAVE the staying power for such small "elite" units...

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Richmond, Surrey


    On Russ's frozen tagnuts, this is going to be the start of many a great saga.

  5. #25


    If the rumors are true, it sounds like basic troops will be the way to go. All of the stuff a regular space marine has, and then quite a bit more, and for 20 points less to boot.

    Other than that, everything else sounds interesting.

  6. #26


    Hopefully GWS would have learned its lesson about "outnumbered" troops from the Grey Knights.

    To be slightly outnumbered is ok, but to massively outnumbered is a sure way to lose against weak horde armies.

  7. #27
    Occuli Imperator
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    Jul 2009
    Feast of Blades


    That is the problem, killy and outnumbered still dies just as fast as any other marine who isn't outnumbered.

    This is the same problem with sternguard/ vanguard... they kill fine, but they die just as easily as any other marine.

    Hopefully the sagas make SW a little tougher.


  8. #28


    being out numbered won't be a big deal, most marine armies live by being outnumbered. but the biggest mistake i've seen in the rumors period is giving the wolf priest the ability to confer FNP to any squad...that is if his rumor comes to light. That will be a huge mistake. even Bjorn being AV 14 won't be as bad as that one.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Rocky Point, NY


    I just can't wait for the release date. Also I was just thinking how different this release is compared to the Imperial Guard Codex. Comparatively we already have seen the data sheet and the stats on the tanks and some characters. We as well we have seen more pictures of Imperial Guard at the time of there codex.

  10. #30


    I would suspect that GW is keeping this release closed because the IG release was leaked. Based on the amount of buzz over just the rumors it seems to be just as effective.


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