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Thread: 1750 Dark eldar

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    new zealand

    Default 1750 Dark eldar

    Archon, huskblade. combat drugs, soul trap, phantasm and shadow field (170)
    (9) incubi and the klaivex (213)
    In a raider with flickerfield (70)

    (10) mandrakes and a nightfiend (160)

    (10) mandrakes and a nightfiend (160)

    (10) wyches, hydra gauntlets, shardnet, Hekatrix with a Agonizer. In a raider with flickerfield (220)

    (10) wyches, hydra gauntlets, shardnet, Hekatrix with a Agonizer. In a raider with flickerfield (220)

    (10) warriors with a darklance (115)

    (10) warriors with a Splinter Cannon in a raider with flickerfield and splinter racks with a disintegrator cannon (180)

    Ravager with flickerfield and nightshields (125)

    Ravager with flickerfield and nightshields (125) 172

    1758 im 8 points over what do you guys think how to fix this

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    Lose a mandrake.

    Or maybe lose about 20.

    Can give the hekatrix blast pistols. Maybe make the warrior squad not in a raider bigger, with a 2nd heavy weapon, to sit on home objectives...
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  3. #3


    I would also free up some points and give Haywire Grenades to the Wyches. They can do double-duty and it helps them in the event you run into a dreadnought-heavy force.

    I would also consider dropping the Disintegrator Cannon on the one Raider and go back to DarK Lance. You don't really have enough ranged AT ability in this list with only 2 Ravagers, 3 raiders with lances and one foot-Lance.

    Good Luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    I don't see why everyone insists on giving wyches haywires. Yes if they encounter a vehicle they can do something, but its a fair few points...and against a dreadnaught, you get 1 attack each, and need a 6 to hit...
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by DrLove42 View Post
    I don't see why everyone insists on giving wyches haywires. Yes if they encounter a vehicle they can do something, but its a fair few points...and against a dreadnaught, you get 1 attack each, and need a 6 to hit...
    The issue is with walkers specifically. Wyches caught in close combat with a Dread cannot shoot it and are too weak to hurt it's armour otherwise. They get stuck in a grinding match they cannot win. As a result, it has become a favoured Marine tactic to throw Dreadnoughts into combat with Wyches. It was different when the Agonizer used to do Glancing hits on vehicles. I had Dreads avoiding me as they didn't want to die to a whip last codex.

    With More Marines looking at Dreads (thanks to the Blood Angles), you're more likely to run into the situation.

    With Haywires, yes, you'll need a 6 to hit (at first), but you'll be able to hit with enough numbers, and have a chance of destroying it (especially after immobalizing it and blowing all the weapons off, etc). You won't be completely helpless in the Dreadnought-Grinder with Haywire. If you're lucky, you'll be able to take the dread down in a turn or two with lucky hits and go on with your duties.

  6. #6


    I think you need a Cronos to give the Mandrakes any hope at all of doing something. The way they are now you'll probably have to send all 20 into a single squad and hope to overwhelm them with wounds to get a pain token for one of them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Vallejo, CA


    Well, the Mandrakes are the one that everyone will jump on. If you want them though more power to you. Just realize that they are not the absolute best units for doing their job.

    What I would do is remove the Huskblade and soul trap from the Archon. The primary issue is that he is great against the first unaccompanied independant character you face, but unless you kill him in single combat all the Incubi will kill the model instead (or force a run) and your HQ who is costed more than an entire squad of Wyches will be left at S3 (unless you get a great Drugs roll).

    Instead, give him an Agonizer. They're great, and when you match that with Haywire grenades you have a model who can potentially hurt everyone (including high toughness monstrous creatures like Wraithlords) a lot. For about 30-50 points less. Which you can use to spruce up the rest of your squads.

    Oh, and the splinter warriors can't move more than 6 inches and fire their weapons from the raider. If you want a splinter weapon battalion, run 20 models together and drop them into cover. You'll do plenty of damage and you can even move and fire the cannons if you really need to back up for a turn.
    Last edited by thecactusman17; 03-05-2011 at 11:25 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Suburbs of Hell.


    Quote Originally Posted by DrLove42 View Post
    I don't see why everyone insists on giving wyches haywires. Yes if they encounter a vehicle they can do something, but its a fair few points...and against a dreadnaught, you get 1 attack each, and need a 6 to hit...
    To add to what BlindGunn said, unless you're unlucky or out maneuvered, chances are you'll be hitting on a 4+. Either your Hekatrix will have immobilized it with her blaster, or else some other unit will have softenned it up first. As you've indicated, given a choice it would be unwise to assault a fully functioning dreadnaught. Also remember, it does not matter how far the Dread has moved in its movement phase. It only matters that it has been immobilized prior to your assault phase.

    Necron2.0 (a.k.a. me) - "I used to wrestle with inner demons. Now we just sit for tea and scones, and argue over the weather."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    new zealand


    Thanks guys for the info had a game the other day fighting eldar with this list complely smashed him. Had so much fun playing this list the Harlequins were so fun to use and on the charge 41 attacks and rending is just somthing epic to roll in ya hands you guys can have a noisey at this list

    10 Harlequins inc Troupe master, shadowseer, death jester, 9 kisses 276

    Incubi, klaivex, Raider, Flickerfield 283

    Mandrake, nightfiend 160

    Archon, Huskblade, combat drugs, soul trap, Phantasm, shadow 170

    Wyches, Hydra,hydra, Hekatrix,Agonizer, raider, Flickerfield 220

    Wyches, Hydra, hydra, Hekatrix,Agonizer, raider, Flickerfield 220

    Warriors, splinter cannon, raider, flickerfield 170

    Ravager, night shields, flickerfield 125

    Ravager, night shields, flickerfield 125

    Last edited by FallingCalamity; 03-06-2011 at 10:10 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    land of 10k taxes


    This is going to sound like a broken record; All DE armies (that are competitive) should start with:
    Hellions x 15-20

    345-425 for this core. +1 to go 1st, +1 cover save on jump troops (that count as scoring units), hit and run,.....

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