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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Murphysboro IL


    30 slugga orks being ran over by 5 devasator marines

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Back in third edition, I played in a gits and shiggles game called Kill the Wabbits. Basically, fight your opponent and kill bunny rabbits as well, each rabbit worth a victory point. The rabbits had the stat line of grots, except they went last, even after powerfists. The only save they had was a 6+ Inv. I had a squad of five Terminators charge a rabbit and whale away at it. The rabbit saved against the only wound I inflicted. When it attacked back, it wounded one of my Terminators. I then promptly failed my 2+ armor save. I looked up at my opponent, and we burst out laughing at the same time. It was bloody hilarious. Here we have a marine who's been killing the Emporer's enemies for probably 200 years, he's good enough to earn Terminator armor, and he gets taken out by a bunny rabbit. Needless to say, the chapter didn't bother recovering his geneseed. I've been chuckling about that one ever since.

    Back in 2nd Ed., I had one of my Ratling snipers go mano-a-mano with a Space Marine Captain in Terminator armor. A handful of very lucky dice rolls later, the Space Marine Captain went down to defeat. Granted, his buddies turned that Ratling into shish-ka-bob, but it was still pretty funny.

    I've had others, but those were definately the strangest and most fun.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Valkerie, that rabbit thing is hilarious. Seriously, I am sitting here cracking up about the geneseed comment.

    My crazied thing was probably when I was Tau and my brother's chaos terminator squad (toughness 5 due to Nurgle) charged into combat against a squad of firewarriors with a teamleader with a bonding knife. The termies all had a pair of lightning claws. They killed 10 of the 12 FW. I struck back and missed with my first guy. The team leader rolled a 4 to hit. Then a 6 to wound. My brother then failed his 2+ save. It was amazing. On my turn I charged in 3 krootox and about 30 kroot. 2 turns later My 2 fire warriors, a handfull of kroot, and a krootox survived.

    It was not over, as his Chaos Lord with a daemon weapon charged into combat, after slaying a couple of my battle suits. He had 2 wounds remaining. First turn of combat he killed almost all of my guys, but all he had was powerarmour so I managed to inflict a wound on his T4 ***. Next turn he rolled a 2 or a 3 for the bonus attacks, killing the rest of my kroot and 1 or my firewarriors. All I had was the terminator slayed team leader firewarrior. I rolled a 4 to hit. Then a 5 to wound. My opponent rolled and it ended up being a 5, but it barely slid off the board. He rolled a 2.

    My single team leader killed a nurgle termie and finished off a beastly chaos lord. He was then upgraded instantly Shas'o (HQ rank)

  4. #34


    a Dark Eldar Wych lord getting killed off by Firewarriors in HtH.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Cloudsdale, Equestria.


    Quote Originally Posted by Valkerie View Post
    Back in third edition, I played in a gits and shiggles game called Kill the Wabbits. Basically, fight your opponent and kill bunny rabbits as well, each rabbit worth a victory point. The rabbits had the stat line of grots, except they went last, even after powerfists. The only save they had was a 6+ Inv. I had a squad of five Terminators charge a rabbit and whale away at it. The rabbit saved against the only wound I inflicted. When it attacked back, it wounded one of my Terminators. I then promptly failed my 2+ armor save. I looked up at my opponent, and we burst out laughing at the same time. It was bloody hilarious. Here we have a marine who's been killing the Emporer's enemies for probably 200 years, he's good enough to earn Terminator armor, and he gets taken out by a bunny rabbit. Needless to say, the chapter didn't bother recovering his geneseed. I've been chuckling about that one ever since.

    Back in 2nd Ed., I had one of my Ratling snipers go mano-a-mano with a Space Marine Captain in Terminator armor. A handful of very lucky dice rolls later, the Space Marine Captain went down to defeat. Granted, his buddies turned that Ratling into shish-ka-bob, but it was still pretty funny.

    I've had others, but those were definately the strangest and most fun.
    Well obviously rabbits are best engaged with the holy hand grenade...

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Melbourne, AUS


    Once, many moons ago, I was fighting against my housemate's Dark Angels army with my Tyranids.

    I had a unit of 6 Genestealers that charged his unit of 5 Ravenwing bikers. My Genestealers caused 5 rending wounds, but couldn't do any normal wounds due to their Toughness 5. My housemate went to take them off, then remembered their 6+ 'Jink' save. He rolled 5 6's, cried "Yahtzee", then wiped out my 'stealers and went on to shoot up my warriors.

    Not happy Jan.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Southeaster Illinois


    3 scout sentinels, and a IG vet squad held off 3 tyranid warriors and a carnifex.....for 4 rounds lol

  8. #38


    We were playing a massive apoc game and my Grey Knight Dreadnaught decided to go balls out for a Warhound Titan. He charges the Titan and in the first round knocks out his plasma blastgun. The next four rounds consist of me whiffing/not penetrating and him whiffing on WS 2 v. my WS5. Then finally my Dread tires of this and decides to take out the Titan, rolls two penetrating hits, goes 6 and then 5 for two structure pts, and another 5 for 3rd point eliminating the Titan. He then dies in a hail of multimelta fire but you know what? he earned that death.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Phoenix, AZ


    I watched my roomie and my friend play a game of Dark Angels vs Chaos Marines. Abbadon assaulted a dreadnought and managed to blow off both CC weapons on turn 1. After that he couldn't get any result better than shaken/stunned. The dread proceded to kick him to death with str 6 regular cc attacks over the next 3 rounds...
    Come all you Xeno scum and fallen heretics! Come face the one true might of the universe and wither under the Golden Throne's gaze!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    10 banshess go through almost go through a whole gray knight army including, terminators, and two full squads, with out having to doom the squads. I end up attacking one more squad with five left agianst another full squad killing down to one man, and being charged by another. After that I was ok if they died lol.

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