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  1. #1

    Default Specters and my love of them..

    When I saw the stats on the Shadow Specters, I ordered three squads of them right then and there in the Battle Bunker. They are my heavy unit of choice for all three slots.

    Other than not being used in most tourney lists, it seems alot of folks I talk to are not happy with them or don't find them worth filling a heavy slot. I am not sure why, so I thought I would throw myself to the (Fenris) wolves and see what others had to say.


  2. #2


    For almost 180 points (or more if you want a fifth body to serve as buffer) you get a 48" S10 AP2 Lance shot, Twin Linked and shot at BS5. You are unlikely to miss, and have a VERY good chance of penetrating. They ARE, however, kind of fragile, so be sure to always pop them out of sight. But I think they're good enough.

  3. #3


    Spectres aren't bad, nowhere near as bad as the internet critics would like you to believe. But they are expensive for what they do. I'm rather hoping either their range gets increased or their cost reduced in the final product. We do know the Warp Hunters D cannon is going to buffed so there is hope.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  4. #4


    My problem with them is 1) the exarch rules shot is at bs 4 so the reroll miss power becomes a no brainer. it's like the spears where a exarch with withdraw is almost mandatory.

    2) prism lance rules are a little messy

    4) the non combine option seems a very close thing to warp spiders, less shots, more pen, shorter but less risky jump pack.
    i can't see any one opting for that mode unless they have lost some modles

    The combined squad shot is a single, long range, mobile, st 10 las cannon at bs 4 ( with reroll if upgraded) it has the down side of being reduced if the squad takes casualties. spectors may have 6 inch jump back but they are fragile

    don't get me wrong like the model like the idea. how ever the are competing with fire prisms which for a single tank is cheaper than spectors (even with holofeild) and 2 of these can combine for a single, long range, mobile, st 10blast at bs 4 with reroll (2 combine).It also has also better anti troop fire power.

    thats the math hammer bit

    I see them working on the battle feild like this

    1) they take out a tank and opponent fixates on them which you can use.

    2) they take some damage opponent then opts to ignore them, only for them to pounce on vulnerable unit/ contest objective

    I think their rules need a little more work.

    dave l

  5. #5


    The Exarch has BS5, so if you get him and the power you aren't likely to miss. And since the Exarch can have a better weapon, the fifth body serves as a buffer in case you lose one to shooting or dangerous terrain. Fire Prisms are much better against troops, but I feel like these guys are much better against vehicle.

  6. #6


    whats getting buffed on the warp hunter? i was quite pleased with mine killing 8 out of 9 berserkers and 4 out of 5 terminators in 2 shots

  7. #7


    All we know is they are thinking about beefing up the D-Cannon, because the fluff says D-Cannons get much more powerful the bigger they are, and the WH D-Cannon is huge but not much more powerful than a itt bitty one at present.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

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