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  1. #1

    Default ASF and Great Weapons + Ward Save Question

    Hey, new to WFB here, so some quick questions (tried the search function, but couldn't find the answer):

    1 - How do Great Weapons (which cause Always Strike Last) and units with Always Strike First (i.e. Sword Masters) interact? According to the rulebook, it would seem they cancel each other out and the ASF unit with a Great Weapon uses his initiative as normal... that said, I have seen multiple aticles/posts talking about how Sword Masters attack before anyother units.

    2 - Do Ward saves stack? For example, if I take Phoenix Guard (4+ Ward Save) and then cast Shield of Saphery on them (5+ Ward Save), do they combine to give a 2+ Ward Save? I doubt that is the case (I assume they only get the higher of the two), but I saw a post about doing that once and wanted to ask here.

    Thanks for helping out with these questions.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by MRC(+) View Post
    Hey, new to WFB here, so some quick questions (tried the search function, but couldn't find the answer):

    1 - How do Great Weapons (which cause Always Strike Last) and units with Always Strike First (i.e. Sword Masters) interact? According to the rulebook, it would seem they cancel each other out and the ASF unit with a Great Weapon uses his initiative as normal... that said, I have seen multiple aticles/posts talking about how Sword Masters attack before anyother units.
    Normal ASF and ASL simply cancel each other out. The High Elf FAQ specifically says that their army book is the exception and that all units with the Speed of Asuryan (spelling) ASF no matter what weapons they carry.

    This is why sword masters and white lions are so deadly. Great Weapons the strike first with re-rolls to hit are scary as hell.

    2 - Do Ward saves stack? For example, if I take Phoenix Guard (4+ Ward Save) and then cast Shield of Saphery on them (5+ Ward Save), do they combine to give a 2+ Ward Save? I doubt that is the case (I assume they only get the higher of the two), but I saw a post about doing that once and wanted to ask here.
    No. Ward saves don't stack.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Nungunz View Post
    Normal ASF and ASL simply cancel each other out. The High Elf FAQ specifically says that their army book is the exception and that all units with the Speed of Asuryan (spelling) ASF no matter what weapons they carry.
    Well technically the HE FAQ answer is just for people who don't know what the word "regardless" means

    No. Ward saves don't stack.
    In the example given by the OP, no they don't.


    1) the Magic Resistance Ward save stacks with other ward saves
    2) The Mark of Tzeentch ward save stacks

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by cerebros View Post
    In the example given by the OP, no they don't.


    1) the Magic Resistance Ward save stacks with other ward saves
    2) The Mark of Tzeentch ward save stacks
    Magic Resistance increases your Ward save by a given number which, while it gives you a Ward save if you don't have one, it is not actually an example Ward saves stacking. I don't know the wording on Mark of Tzeentch, but I'm assuming it's the same type of situation.
    "You look at all this gunline and think: 'I could assault with this!'"
    "D*** it, Sam! Stop counting to such high numbers!"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    The Mark of Tzeentch just adds 1 to a units ward save. If they have none, its 6+, if the have a parry save, its 5+ and so on.

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