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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    Its a beefed up Emperor Titan. It has 8 void shields and 15 structure points. It has the two shown primary weapons plus 6 carapace weapons and an orbital defense laser mouned on the cathedral (out of picture).

    In our last game it went down in the 3rd round - along with all the rest of their titans. Then the changling took control of my phantom and blew away my other titans.

    I hate that dude.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by wittdooley View Post
    Emperor Titan? Is that bigger than an Imperator? What are all the classes of Titans? Is this right:

    No, the Imperator is an Emperor. It goes like this:

    The Imperator, and the Warmongeror are the two different classes of Emperor. So an Emperor will either be an Imperator or a Warmongeror

    SotonShades Ive actually heard people say Apoc is the way to learn which just baffles me. Kill Teams is the way to learn, Apoc is for Vets. It was designed for Vets and only Vets should aspire to play it.

    Also, one of your space issues might come from your Warlord being too big. Unless im not looking at it right its a wee bit over sized. What are it's measurements? Dont get me wrong it still looks cool, no offense meant at all. Just a bit too huge.

    Quote Originally Posted by Defenestratus View Post
    Its a beefed up Emperor Titan. It has 8 void shields and 15 structure points. It has the two shown primary weapons plus 6 carapace weapons and an orbital defense laser mouned on the cathedral (out of picture).

    In our last game it went down in the 3rd round - along with all the rest of their titans. Then the changling took control of my phantom and blew away my other titans.

    I hate that dude.
    Id love a full picture if you can
    Last edited by Lord Castellan; 04-28-2011 at 10:55 AM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Minneapolis, MN


    You can still play Apoc even if your friends only have 1500 point armies. My favorite way to play Apoc is 4v4, with 1500-2k points each (~7-8k per side). The games aren't too long, and we can bring our superheavy toys (just make sure you have roughly equal points worth of superheavies on each side).

    My last Apoc game was 30 people who each brought 1000 points. 30k points on a table is more than enough, imo. Past that point you are talking about multi-day events.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sydney, Australia


    I have a Warhound, a Reaver, a Stompa and I'm [URL=""]currently building a Phantom[/URL].

    I've only fielded by Reaver three times, and my Warhound half a dozen or so, and that's plenty for me. That said I mostly got them to paint, so enjoy just having them on the shelf. However if you game as your primary goal, maybe not.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Apoc is boring. You spend three hours putting a bunch of minis on the board, then immediately take them off as they get blown away. But only if by immediate you means "wait around for six hours to finish rolling all the dice first".

    Team games using normal rules and local tournaments are much more fun than wasting a day or two on an Apoc game.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    U.S. Army


    I've got 7 armies all worth 10,000 or more- BA by far the largest, Necrons, Black Legion, Tau, Cadian 108th Regiment, Orks, Tyranids.
    Also some smaller armies of Sisters of Battle, Grey Knights around 1,000 each.
    I also have:
    2 Reavers
    2 Warhounds
    2 Thunderbolts
    2 Hellblades
    1 Thunderhawk
    2 Necron Pylons
    2 stompas
    2 baneblades

    I had most of this well before apoc.
    Think it's great they came out with it. Gives me the chance to field alot of my armies alll together.
    "I have seen what you will see. I have fought what you must fight, and I have slain what you must slay...." Commander Dante

  7. #27


    Unfortunately I just cannot get into Apoc. I've played the game for almost 16 years and I have a huge collection but the system simply makes me want to eat glass instead. It's not balanced at all so you need to either heavily modify it with house rules, or have an extreme understanding with your opponents.

    Titans and super heavies are not pointed according to normal codex entries. They are pointed according to themselves. This makes things extremely unbalanced if one side has a Titan or something. Same goes for D weapons. They are hideously over powered and make the game very unfun if you do not have one. So the answer is to bring Str D weapons of your own and make the game more unfun! It's kind of like stopping the threat of nuclear attack with your own nukes.. but you use them on each other anyway.

    I'm hoping they rebalance apoc and really bring it into line with the current rules so that 6th edition we wont have a need for all these silly add ones. We will have 1 core rule set for buildings, squadrons, super heavies, fliers, attacking fortified positions, making planet fall etc, but that's just my 2 cents. - Tips on modeling and terrain to enhance your gaming experiences!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    Also, one of your space issues might come from your Warlord being too big. Unless im not looking at it right its a wee bit over sized. What are it's measurements? Dont get me wrong it still looks cool, no offense meant at all. Just a bit too huge.
    Check your PM's for pics. I spam it enough as it is. People are sick of seeing it I think.

    As for its size, its built to the Epic (Space Marine) scale. Meaning that its probably about 5' tall in total. As for it being "too big", I can't disagree more. Huge models are so awesome. This one takes up a corner in the LGS and sits there lording over all the games being played.

    The table space wasn't challenged on the Chaos side. It was over crowded on the Imperial side. We had over 25 leman russes, 6 baneblade variants, a phantom titan, a revenant, some Eldar super heavies... 20 grav tanks... and over 350 guardsman crammed on our side.

    And we were trying to stay as far away as possible from the choppy space marines. Evil *******s.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Norfolk (God's County)


    Apocalypse - awesome. My mucker and I have discovered that for 2 man apocalypse the best points for us to be manageable was 8k per side, this tends to be 3-4k normal and the rest psychos and super heavies.

    \our next match (which I am trying to entice him to), when we draw the line across the table, I will place Mighty Fortress sections in a linear fashion. This of course will be the imperial palace walls which I will assault with Chaos...

  10. #30


    lmao that titan is bigger than most 5 year olds.

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