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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Everywhere and nowhere

    Default How do you transport your miniatures?

    Ok I'm looking for ideas in all of your responses. I've always carried mine in foam. With tau thats fine. But I'm trying to finish my 'nids and get them road worthy, and I went to shop and get them new foam as their sabol case is a top loader and that starts to suck after a bit. So I sadly figured out that if I got battlefoam I'd pay about 300-400 for a case and foam....for a case and foam. That's insane, and yet I may end up paying that if I can't figure anything else out >< So toss out your answers and hopefully I'll get some inspiration Well that and its fun to read responses lol
    Last edited by shadosun; 05-24-2011 at 09:19 PM.

  2. #2


    For my Wood Elves, I use a KR Multicase

    Theyve got pre-cut foam for pretty much every single figure GW have produced I believe, plus their stuff is quite cheap

    Whether its a viable option for your nids or not, I have no idea, but its probably worth looking into at least

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Suburbs of Hell.


    I go to a local craft store and get the sheet urethane foam sometimes used for batting. I cut it to shape using a foam cutter (basically a long, hot wire).

    Necron2.0 (a.k.a. me) - "I used to wrestle with inner demons. Now we just sit for tea and scones, and argue over the weather."

  4. #4


    use a hard case rifle carry case. new ones are like fifty bucks used ones way cheaper. just go to ur local gun shop and maybe pick up a shot gun too lol. they hold about 100 to 150 models

  5. #5


    I use a basic cardboard box with some free foam given to me by a friend that works in a laptop factory. Foam comes in large squares, so it's easy to use to make 2 layers in office paper [8.5/11" or 11 X17] boxes. I just used a small kitchen knife to cut it.

    Then again, I don't often go very far. My FLGS is about 5 minutes away. The furthest I've gone is 10 miles to another store.

  6. #6


    Get the new Army Transports as they are front loaders The MKII and the Division that way you can use your old foam

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Melbourne, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by shadosun View Post
    So I sadly figured out that if I got battlefoam I'd pay about 400-500 for a case and foam....for a case and foam. That's insane, and yet I may end up paying that if I can't figure anything else out ><l
    A fully loaded titan sized case is only $350 from battlefoam... Hell, their biggest normal case is only $290 full loaded. How the hell are you getting to $400-$500?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Everywhere and nowhere


    Quote Originally Posted by Gir View Post
    A fully loaded titan sized case is only $350 from battlefoam... Hell, their biggest normal case is only $290 full loaded. How the hell are you getting to $400-$500?
    I need their 1520 (is that its correct numbers?) for the case, thats 150, then looking at all the foam it will take to fill that, my nids are swarm and thats gonna require alot of sheets for the gaunts, I can edit that though to drop it to 300-400 just so it sounds better

    Point is though that that is still as much money as I could spend to start into a new army or collect more models.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Texas(nuf said)


    years ago I bought 3 of the sabol army transports when they came with the foam included. Over time and 6 armies later, I found that the rolling file box, with a hard plastic case and lid, extendable handle fits two sabol trays side by side. All my armies are in them now and I can easily carry about 3000pnts of anything besides IG. I even have 8 baneblades in one. It is a top loader but that hasnt been a problem. The box is $21 at office depot, and it fits 8 4' trays or an assortment of the smaller. mostly those trays are about $8 at the warstore. My question is how to transport 8 valkyries. They dont fit on a sabol tray and i really dont want to have multiple cases. Any ideas? I know that battlefoam makes them but $30 a tray is steep, even if it does hold two vals.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Dallas, Tx


    I use a couple of hard plastic four pistol cases. You can buy them from Academy and Walmart for around $15. They come with eggcrate foam generally, though I have a case with a pluck foam as well. It's big, cheap, relatively easy to come by, has a hard shell, and keeps the models in place.
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