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  1. #1

    Default Mk 1 and MK 2 differences

    How dramatic are the differences besides troop selections and whatnot between the two? I am a returning player and am trying to get used to the new version of the rules but I'm not seeing vast differences except for army construction and the like. Just curious if I'm misremembering things or not making a connection somewhere. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    They mostly rebalanced and repointed everything, which in a game revolving around synergies, really makes a big difference. They also have the "jack points" per caster now, which makes a 35pt game usually around 42 points now due the additional point allotment. Again, for balancing.

    Still the same fast and furious game you love. Welcome back!

  3. #3


    Okay so I'm not going any crazier than I already am. I just couldn't see anything in the basic rules that was different from prior editions except for the addition of the rules from subsequent books like superiority and those. Only differences I could really find were use of the icons more on the stat cards and the points rebalance. Just wanted to make sure I was reading it right. Am glad that they left the rules alone. Always fun trying to relearn changes between editions and then getting confused between the two.

    Thanks for your response!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Austin, Texas


    Besides point differences and use of icons, there were changes to the LOS rules as well as pathfinder. The ability to spend focus to shake off effects or stand up were also big. I am at work and don't have access to the rulebook with me but I thinkthose were the main changes.

  5. #5


    Ah okay. Well I guess I'll continue to recommit them to memory. Was planning to anyway but really just couldn't tell that they'd made much if any changed from what I could remember. My brain can be fuzzy though so I thought I'd seek external wisdom.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Bay Area, CA, USA


    Yeah, most of it was just minor stuff. Nothing huge, a tweak here and there to streamline and balance. The system remains the same, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  7. #7


    Awesome. Yeah I really liked the simplicity of it and the way they interact. I hate when they make radical changes and I have to get out of my head previous iterations. One problem I have with GW at times.

    rereading the rules and re familiarizing myself with the way they flow. Pretty much as before so I am stoked. Just finished my repaint of Cryx figs after loosing my previous ones. Should be a blast.

    Thanks for the replies guys!

  8. #8


    The other big change was to how units work.

    All units now have field promotion if the leader dies, so there's no more sniping the leader to prevent charges, and unit formation is with CMD inches of the unit leader, instead of 3" from the nearest model.

    These two speed things up a log, and allow some units to spread way out (widowmakers, for instance).

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