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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
    Despite what Witdooley and many other fanboys would have you think, most people who express disctontent with company policy and cease to buy from GW will NOT sell their army of ebay, unless that army is incomplete and they can no longer afford to complete it. Personally I swore of Nids with the release of the new codex as the army I loved was a) no longer legal and b) I had no time or cash to make the army I would like to use. Does this mean I automatically ran of to ebay and started to sell everything off in a blind rage of GW hatred? Hells no I just boxed them and put them away until they either got a new codex or I had finished the other stuff I was working on.
    Ah, tossing out the old "fanboy" term because you, again, are creating an argument based on nothing. I never said anyone would be selling their army. Read a bit closer, and you'd note that I'm selling a WHFB army because I NO LONGER USE IT. At least make an attempt to read what you're attempting to respond to.

    In fact, calling me a "fanboy" is a bit absurd, as I've made it plenty clear that I patronize plenty of other miniatures companies.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Lost in the Tardis


    It doesn't really matter to me how Wizkids came to get the license and destroy all the things I loved about the B-tech universe, I really hate that company. I still like FASA, but they weren't exceptionally well run.

    I am pretty interested in the Catalyst stuff though. My old rulebook is falling apart on me.
    The 4th Doctor has long scarf to protect him from hate.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    West Melbourne, Florida U.S.


    Quote Originally Posted by Gir View Post
    But they do charge more money for worse looking models.
    Possibly. I won't dispute that. All miniature companies sell ugly models, and many of these models are more expensive than better looking models of rival companies.
    40k Dark Eldar HORDES - Legion of Everblight / INFINITY - Yu Jing, HaqqIslam

  4. #44
    Iron Father
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Vancouver Island, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by Deadlift View Post
    Not really interested in a " I hate all things GW thread " which I don't but I was just wondering how many of you guys have or are looking at trying alternative wargaming products and why.
    As this ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE a I hate all things GW thread but just an investigation into alternatives to 40k, I just remembered a game that I like to play from time to time thats quite different to the mechanics of 40k, has some great looking minis and is different every time I play it. In comparison it was quite cheap for two players to start playing. However its no longer in production so ebay prices are quite high.

    Yep its Space Hulk.

    @ Buffo and co, please don't turn this into a "my games better that yours thread" theres enough of that already. I was more interested in what other games people played, are playing or looking at and why. I understand that GW policies could be the "why" players are looking else where but thats been covered already in so many other threads.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Newcastle upon Tyne, England


    I am currently looking at a game called Firestorm Armada by Spartan Games.

    however the playerbase in the north east is lacking somewhat.
    "I Have Become Death the Destroyer of Worlds"

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Newcastle AU


    I've ALWAYS had a non-GW game on the playlist while I also play a GW game.

    At the moment I'm playing Infinity as well as 40k.
    In the past it was Battletech and 40k, Warzone and 40k, VOID and 40k, Stargrunt and 40k, Full thrust and 40k.
    No matter what, it's always been another SF game though. I just don't get the fantasy genre with its flying horses and horses with pointy stabby sticks and fire breathing lizards.

    Locking yourself into one company's product is fanboyish and straightjacketing. Fine if you like the look of the canvas jacket with the long sleeves and leather straps, but ultimately self defeating.

    I'm waiting on Tomorrow's War in September as well. It won't replace Infinity (wrong scale) but it just might replace 40k.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Morgan Darkstar View Post
    I am currently looking at a game called Firestorm Armada by Spartan Games.

    however the playerbase in the north east is lacking somewhat.
    This becomes a major problem for every wargame not named Warhammer. Privateer is making this a bit more of a two dog race, but it still doesn't have nearly the player base that 40k does. I have armies for about every miniatures system that exists. My buddy and I occasionally get together to bust out some of these smaller games, but they see the table almost exclusively at his house over some beers. I could pick up a game of 40k at any of our LGS at nearly any time.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    West Melbourne, Florida U.S.


    Quote Originally Posted by Deadlift View Post
    @ Buffo and co, please don't turn this into a "my games better that yours thread" theres enough of that already. I was more interested in what other games people played, are playing or looking at and why. I understand that GW policies could be the "why" players are looking else where but thats been covered already in so many other threads.
    We never did, so don't worry.
    40k Dark Eldar HORDES - Legion of Everblight / INFINITY - Yu Jing, HaqqIslam

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Started playing grind and Warmachine.. Ive also been dabbling in Jovian Chronicles, I still play the old 40k, like Advanced Space Crusades, and other of the G.W board Games instead.... I have them all.But when it comes to tabletop games of 40k?I seem to be playing less of them. .. My son is getting into tabletop games and he dislikes 40k.. his imagination is leaning more on a steempunk fantasy.( his drawings are awesome by the way) I have to admit 40K got to expensive for me so im out.I still have my collection and games, but i can no longer support it.....They don't support me.with the files purge from the internet ..boardgamegeek..and the rest of the cruelty G.W has blessed us with. Like some one else in this forum once told me. "Thers other game systems out there you just have to think out side of the box!".

  10. #50


    I've started getting into brush fire myself. It scales prety well and is fairly fun.
    Warhammer 40k = Emperor's Children(CSM) and Orks.
    Brush Fire: Historia Rodentia= Aquitar, Vandalands, and Ribenguo.

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