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  1. #31


    I may have to resubscribe to WD. I bought the June version and was relatively happy with it. Keep in mind the last WD I read was middle of 2007... theres a good chance I'm just clueless.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    No, I think you're in good shape if you just pretend like 2008-2010 didn't happen for the magazine

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    West Melbourne, Florida U.S.


    Quote Originally Posted by wittdooley View Post
    no, i think you're in good shape if you just pretend like 1998 - 2011 didn't happen for the magazine :d

    3rd edition is when GW changed its WD model from a hobby mag to an advertising rag.

    To the OP, good luck with the project!
    Last edited by BuFFo; 06-29-2011 at 12:35 PM.
    40k Dark Eldar HORDES - Legion of Everblight / INFINITY - Yu Jing, HaqqIslam

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    It hasn't been that bad for that long, has it? I have some issues from 2006-2007ish that were pretty decent.

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    West Melbourne, Florida U.S.


    Quote Originally Posted by wittdooley View Post
    It hasn't been that bad for that long, has it? I have some issues from 2006-2007ish that were pretty decent.
    Well, I am sorry if I came off as empirical. It is just my opinion and personal preference as to when WD went down in the dumpster.
    40k Dark Eldar HORDES - Legion of Everblight / INFINITY - Yu Jing, HaqqIslam

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Cloudsdale, Equestria.


    He's probably right actually, lol,
    it's just the slow decline meant it never was obvious until too late,
    3rd edition halved the points costs as well more or less so was the start of the massive 1500 point armies...

    However the process of robo-insemination is far too complex for the human mind!
    A knee high fence, my one weakness

  7. #37


    so 'nothing' has changed in the amount of time I quit and came back.... great! hey look even the necron models haven't changed! Its like I never left!

    I guess I should finish reading June before I buy July/subscribe for eternity.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Cloudsdale, Equestria.


    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadnought View Post
    so 'nothing' has changed in the amount of time I quit and came back.... great! hey look even the necron models haven't changed! Its like I never left!

    I guess I should finish reading June before I buy July/subscribe for eternity.
    There's probably less LOTR

    However the process of robo-insemination is far too complex for the human mind!
    A knee high fence, my one weakness

  9. #39


    August 2011

    Days late on delivery: 1 (get it to me on time next month and get a cookie)
    Pages of content (editorials, battle reports, hobby articles etc.): 67 (+2)
    Pages of semi-content (puff pieces with nothing new, sprue pics, sample armies that make no sense, new unit previews etc.): 30 (-3)
    Pages of straight up adverts (including all that stuff at the back): 25 (+1)

    Key content features:
    • Vampire counts, some standard designers notes and some pages of new rules (3 units total) to match some new models. Not a VC player so I can't say if they're any good but they're there so be happy
    • Garden of morr hobby article. I was hoping to see more interesting modelling with this, but it's really just a puff piece. Want those roses for my dark eldar.
    • Another SoM battle report Vampires vs Chaos & Daemons - Loses points for feeling a lot like the last one. We only have one batrep this month to make way for the sisters.
    • LOTR cavalry thing I didn't read that closely, sorry
    • Hobby on monsters- some painting examples short on detasils of how they were achieved, a kind of pointless assembly guide and a painting guide for the black dragon
    • The first half of the sisters codex is here. Other threads have the details, but here are the facts:
      No new units, no new models pictured yet, acts of faith specific to each unit and rationed D6 per turn, no wargear or points values yet. I'm going to defer judgement as to whether this is a useful stop-gap or just a steaming pile of cruddace until next month but I feel that the true test is whether feedback gets incorporated into a new sisters book within the next 18 months.
    • Jervis waffles about game design, its some sort of justification as to why the GW rules are constantly getting bashed on forums (not really but that's the message I got). Basically fluff comes first, ties quite well to the sisters rage.

    There are a lot of rules in this issue and, if for nothing other than novelty, that's a good thing. Will this be the start of a WD rennaisance? or just a sop to try and shut the internet types (i.e. us) up for a while?

    Overall, I'm reasonably pleased I give this issue a solid 8. September needs to consolidate this so my wishlist is:

    • Spice up the batreps.
    • Deliver some good wargear for sisters so that they don't get discarded
    • Let's see some more modelling/conversion work

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    This issues wierd for me. As a read I don't think it was anywhere near as good as last issue, but it delivered a lot more hobby content than they have for a while. 3 new units and the first half of a codex?

    But at the same time it seems a bit dry. I agree with you on the battlereoprt feeling very samey from last month.

    Sisters codex is incomplete so can't really review anything yet.

    And if you get yours delivered by subscriber you'll never get it on time again. Just remember that....
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

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