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  1. #1

    Default Forgetting to deep strike or reserve roll

    So what happens to deep strike or reserves if your opponent "forgets" to roll until they are needed, or will have a tactical advantage. I can see forgetting once but the same unit on the 5th turn with a "Oh I forgot to deep strike these Terminators"
    Is there any definition of what happens if they are forgotten, I only see "You may not delay this roll". Should you let your opponent roll on the next turn or make them count as a V.P.?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Vallejo, CA


    If your opponent forgets to roll for his reserves, the very first thing you should do is... remind him! Some people just have a very difficult time keeping track of stuff that isn't on the board, and some people even have a hard time remembering stuff that is one the board already (had a friend that modeled his Deathleaper to blend into small plant terrain almost perfectly, he re-modeled it because he would completely forget it half the time).

    If he still tries shenanigans, you may want to simply try this: If he "forgets" to roll before they come on automatically and cannot cite a rule in his codex that would state otherwise (Tau can do this, actually), then tell him that the unit is lost and you will not allow him to play it. He's had four chances to bring them into the game, clearly he does not want them to participate!

  3. #3


    I'm not sure there's a rule but I'd say one free pass for the benefit of the doubt and after that make them roll on the deep strike mishap automatically. This punishes them for forgetting to make the roll but not so severely that the unit is auto lost completely.

    In a tournament you'd have to speak to the referee. I feel my solution is still reasonable (automatic mishap), but then I would say that.

  4. #4
    Occuli Imperator
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    There are different ways you could deal with this depending on when it happens, though as already stated the only rule really is that you can't delay rolling for them.

    If it is at the end of the game and they want to deep strike I would say a compromise would be that they can roll on the deep strike mishap table, 2/3 times they won't turn up and if they do you can pick where they do.

    If it's in game I either let them deploy them at the very end of their turn but without the ability to shoot/run/assault or remind them to do it next turn.

    It doesn't happen all that often though as our gaming board is bigger than 6'x4' so we usually line up our reserves on the left so we can see what's left to come on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Hampshire, UK


    That's quite a good solution isotope, especially if you are playing against someone who regularly "forgets" to roll for their reserves until it is advantageous to them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Wakefield UK


    I normaly say roll a D2 on the misshap they eather stay in reserve or i deploy them, and everyone has been known to forget to do something before ive forgotten to do my shooting phase before now :S

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    If you forget to roll for deep strike/reserves it is fine. When you finally remember then it will require a 4+ just like it was the first turn that the player was trying to bring them in. I think that should be fine in most cases. Instead of hitting them up with all this douchery of rolling on mishap charts or crying to a judge or whatever.

    But then again.....Ya know if a player has to scheme to forget to roll the reserves to plot a win against me then I figure they have such a low self esteem that they need this win more than I do.
    Your Codex is only great until the next one is released.....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    I agree that forcing your opponent to roll for a mishap because he forgot to roll a single dice is #$%^&ed up. That's not "mildly punishing him". That's kicking him in the balls.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  9. #9


    It depends. If it happens once in a game, its a mistake, mistakes happen. If you notice the same player doing it over and over, its a douchebag, and he should be kicked in the balls accordingly.

    One way to solve it is, at the start of each turn, tell him "Dont forget to roll for reserves"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    South Jersey!


    Quote Originally Posted by Demonus View Post
    One way to solve it is, at the start of each turn, tell him "Dont forget to roll for reserves"
    This is pretty much what we do in my group. Works out pretty well, since we all suck at remembering things that aren't on the board.

    To help myself, I line my Reserve units up on the table in front of me (we've got some lip between the play area and the yawning abyss). Obviously, this method is pretty table-specific.

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