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  1. #11


    This could possibly be the most expensive army next to an Eldar Ghost army.

    Sister Superior $12.25
    Sister w. Simulacrum $13.25
    Pack of 3 sisters $17.25
    pack of 3 sisters $17.25
    Sister w/ special $9.90
    Sister w/ Heavy $14.00

    Total for 10 models $83.90

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    That would make it too easy for the Imperial Assassins


    Quote Originally Posted by Eldrad View Post
    Also, did anyone else notice on the GW page announcing the new sisters codex theres a picture that looks like there might be finecast sisters of battle? (shows what appears to be a fincast sister with a melta and that one model with the large vox caster), i would say their primed but the saint is primed white and they look like the finecast color and all the other models are that space wolves grey color, anyone else agree/ disagree with this speculation?
    (thats the picture from GW, if thats ok, if not let me know)
    It does look slightly suspect, but I think they're just primed. The white roughly matches the lower Sisters, and the Hospitaler is actually already partially painted in black. It could have been he just decided to give Celestine another coat of white to make the Living Saint whiter. I would expect Finecast to be a shade darker.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lane View Post
    This could possibly be the most expensive army next to an Eldar Ghost army.

    Sister Superior $12.25
    Sister w. Simulacrum $13.25
    Pack of 3 sisters $17.25
    pack of 3 sisters $17.25
    Sister w/ special $9.90
    Sister w/ Heavy $14.00

    Total for 10 models $83.90
    Yeah, sadly nothing new there. These are the prices they were before.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Southern California


    Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
    Nice, character prices for individual models.
    That's what we Necron players have had to deal with. At elites, we've got pariahs and immortals in blisters of one mini which just cost $1 less than a Necron Lord. Wraiths, Destroyers, Heavy Destroyers and Tomb Spyders come with one model costing $20+. Our vehicle is also priced like a Land Raider. I shudder to think what they'll cost when we get our Finecast minis.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Great Britain.


    Well, having Ah ha ha ha ha ha
    read GW's site hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha
    I can say thathahahahahahahahahahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!

    Sorry 'bout that.

    So, as I was saying, I shan't be buying any SoB, and anyone who does, well.

    Good luck to you fielding an army of twenty underpowered, ugly, outdated models Mr. Gates. I certainly hope Windows was worth it.
    Last edited by MaltonNecromancer; 08-09-2011 at 05:33 PM.

  5. #15


    Im going to try an bring some positive feelings to this thread.

    I am by no means a Sisters of battle player, and if i'm honest, even if they got a new codex i doubt they would become ultra popular on a big scale. However, GW not producing these models in finecast, suggests to me that they have enough stock to last the gap until the plastics (which i see no reason why they wouldn;t be coming) be released.

    So as a niche army, most people who like SoB already own Sob armies. they can use or not use the white dwarf codex for now, wait save money and get a nice plastic range eventually. I know its been a long time but quite frankly, with dark eldar getting an entire revamp, grey knights going plastic, storm of magic etc etc, I can't see where GW would of fit them in. Not unless they had rushed them and that would only anger fans.

    Dark eldar players waited, then waited some more. The new release....GORGEOUS!!!

    I struggle everyday i go into a GW store not to buy at least one Dark eldar model.

    Im sure Sisters will be the same (maybe not the same scale) but the same lovely model type. So i would see the "Not going finecast" thing as PLUS not a MINUS.

    I hope i cheered some SoB fans up with my theory

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Great Britain.


    I think, when it gets down to it, i'm just sick to the back teeth of hearing about WHFB. Endless new releases and kits for a game I will never play, and every one of them as fruity as mardi gras. I just want some new 40K kits, and the SoB "codex" got my hopes up, only to give me a bunch of old stuff and yet more garish new fantasy kits that I could not give two tugs about.

    More 40K dammit!

    The real new SoB codex in a few years should hopefully compensate.

  7. #17


    Necrons have plastic kits though, SoB have the immolator, a hybrid and the standard rhino, everything else is metal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necron_Lord View Post
    That's what we Necron players have had to deal with. At elites, we've got pariahs and immortals in blisters of one mini which just cost $1 less than a Necron Lord. Wraiths, Destroyers, Heavy Destroyers and Tomb Spyders come with one model costing $20+. Our vehicle is also priced like a Land Raider. I shudder to think what they'll cost when we get our Finecast minis.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  8. #18


    I think, when it gets down to it, i'm just sick to the back teeth of hearing about WHFB. Endless new releases and kits for a game I will never play, and every one of them as fruity as mardi gras. I just want some new 40K kits, and the SoB "codex" got my hopes up, only to give me a bunch of old stuff and yet more garish new fantasy kits that I could not give two tugs about.

    More 40K dammit!

    The real new SoB codex in a few years should hopefully compensate.
    In GW's defence, they have in recent years provided some pretty major 40k releases (dark eldar overhaul being one).

    And compared to 40k, warhammer generally has less supplements. 40k has appocalypse, planetstrike, cities of death, Forgeworld stuff beyond belief.

    Warhammer tends to run campaigns, albion, storm of chaos. Storm of magic on the other hand is a combo of both a campaign and an apocalypse version for warhammer players. basically bringing the game in line with 40k, and getting more people interested in it. These things happen in waves. once storm of magic dies down i bet we will see necrons, tau, etc for months on end and 40k will be dominating again (especially if rumours of 6th turn out to be true).

  9. #19


    It isn't really fair to complain about a lack of 40k stuff, we had eight months after 8th edition with no fantasy releases. Obviously if you limit yourself to only one of GWs game systems you are going to be dissapointed by releases at times.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  10. #20


    It's all been a complete non-event for me. No new models = yawn-o-rama (my fault for flogging my last lot!). And the new rules and characters? So far, meh. A total damp squib. I continue to work on my Daemons and GK instead.
    Seriously, I agree that people would have been a LOT happier waiting for a proper release than this half-arsed WD codex deal. I'm not saying lots of work wasn't put in by Cruddace and Ward, just that personally I think it is rubbish. Still, second half end of the month, maybe something will come along to redeem it, such as funky wargear. But so far, rules are poo, especially the Initiative nerf - just no viable combat troops in the army now.

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