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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Melbourne, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by murrburger View Post
    Cruddance made the Guard book with many 'no brainer' choices, and the Tyranid book with units that don't really work, and poor FOC. I understand he's new as an author, so I give him a little bit of slack.
    And don't forget the new Sisters dex.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I sort of like parts from all 5 editions funnily enough.

    I like the lost factions of Rogue Trader - Slann, squats (sorry about the clock again), genestealer cults, ENSLAVERS, zoats. Also, while I prefer the more serious tone of later editions, I could appreciate the sense of humour of RT as it's own entity. Also, how can you not like those original plastic RT001 marines? they rocked! I also liked the focus of Eldar back then with the Corsair fleets (anyone remember Eldritch Raiders? Prince Uriel's Raiders?). Oh and then theres those awesome awesome Slaves of darkness/lost and the damned chaos books!! still the best source of chaos backround IMO.

    I like the nostalgia of 2nd edition. The 2nd ed necrons were really fierce and the minimal feel of them was awesome. Eldar felt more dangerous to me back then, much more lethal - I still prize my 2nd ed eldar codex complete with it's Exodites (remember them?). 2nd Ed also had it's own judge-dredd ripoffs in the form of the Arbites (awesome!). The chaos book was awesome too, so much variety.

    I LIKED the necron codex of 3rd ed, which are really one of the few more innovative factions in the game really, most are just ripped off from Dune, starship troopers or Aliens, at least necrons combined a number of things (terminator, Dr who's cybermen, HP Lovecraft and a little Olaf Stapledon!) and I also liked the eye of terror and armageddon books too - with their variant lists like 13th company and lost and the damned. Lots of fun. I also liked the tau too, but then I don't mind anime either and thought the kroot were pretty awesome.

    4th is harder to pin down, but I liked the move of daemons having their own codex as it was something I felt they should of done anyway. The black templar codex was interesting and both of these factions were something a little new and I like new things, even if they arent my cuppa-tea.

    5th ? well I LOVE the tyranid codex....FOR THE BACKROUND, don't have a heart attack guys! it mentions so many minor xeno races it's like the excitement I got from reading Xenology. Almost. Also, Ulumeathic league and demiurg references FTW! I think 5th has given the previously boring space marine armies like blood angels and space wolves much needed diversity - justifying them more, and I dug the stuff like the sanguinary guard. The Dark Eldar codex was the most exciting book to read since 3rd ed necrons for me - I don't collect DE but damn that book rules.

    So yeah, I like different things from all of the editions

    I think any mythology that's gone through so many changes is going to INCREASINGLY have more and more divided opinions - It's a lot like Dr who in that respect, a lot of history, a lot of changes and a lot of different feelings and atmospheres which will appeal to others, and I think it's ok to be passionate about that when you've been into it for so long and invested so much time into it - more so if you grew up with them like I have, it makes sense when you see something you don't like you are more vocal about it - I don't think it's really whining, it's just passion and a want for soething you care about to be as good as it can - but that is of course subjective too. You'll never get me to watch 2005+ dr who episodes, and you'll never get me to like Orks, I'm always going to like enslavers/necrons and I'm always going to think sylvester mccoy and william hartnell kick ***.

    It's a multi-generation thing, which is quite rare really - but somehow endearing and enduring.
    Last edited by Asymmetrical Xeno; 08-14-2011 at 08:52 PM.
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  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Vancouver, BC


    I haven't read the Sisters book yet.

    Cheers to that, though, Dark Eldar is an awesome book.

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