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Thread: Your 40K army

  1. #201


    I play a pure Thousand Sons army, I started to collect a few Tzeentch demons recently as well. In total, I have about 3.5k points.

  2. #202


    I play IG Cadians with a special color scheme and background. I enjoy IG because they are the most 'realistic' of the 40k forces and the idea of the struggle of the common soldier appeals to me. Not every battle is the defense of a vital shrine, or a desperate assault on a tyranid infested craft world.

    I used to play SM because I was hooked into 40k via SMs. They still retain their coolness, but my playstyle doesn't lend well to small-er number of troops, resilient as they may be. That being said, I think my next army (2-3 years down the road) will be a pre-heresy Alpha Legion, because I really liked the book Legion.

  3. #203


    I have 3.6ks worth of fully painted Raven Guard. Which is mainly mechanized backed up by tons of jump packs. We have the fastest terminators in the game I run shrike (or my version of him) and have several back up hqs with 'counts as' kahn and lysander. I avoid the fluffy use of drop pods and lots of scouts, but love the fluff of Raven Guard. (what little there is)

    I am returning to the wolves after a 10 year gap next month. The thought of new models is just too tempting.
    Gamer • Painter • Designer • Englishman

  4. #204
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Levitas View Post
    I have 3.6ks worth of fully painted Raven Guard. Which is mainly mechanized backed up by tons of jump packs. We have the fastest terminators in the game I run shrike (or my version of him) and have several back up hqs with 'counts as' kahn and lysander. I avoid the fluffy use of drop pods and lots of scouts, but love the fluff of Raven Guard. (what little there is)

    I am returning to the wolves after a 10 year gap next month. The thought of new models is just too tempting.
    While I'm not really a fan of SW, I'm a fan of cannibalizing bits. In that capacity I share your eagerness for the release of the new SW and BA models.

  5. #205
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Houston, Texas


    I have space marines - vanilla/ultras. After 10+ years I am taking the training wheels off and starting an Eldar army (something I swore I would never do).

  6. #206
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Central Florida


    I started with Necrons for easy paint and easy play then started A S.O.B. army that switched to Witchunters (lusting all the while for Dark Eldar) somehow in a trade ended up with some Space Marines and went a little wild with no plan and am currently sitting with about 5K worth. Orks came next then I inherited (from my 2 sons) a Dark Eldar army, a Tau army(Kroot heavy) and a small Eldar force. Someones friend off loaded a small chaos army into my pile and I'm starting to notice some genestealers and gaunts running around in my room . My painting mantra is necron gray, sister red, space marine blue, ork green. I've got to finish building and painting those 4 before starting on the rest. I know there is an I.G Mech. force looking for me (tanks,tanks, tanks) Needless to say I don't focus to well but it's all fun.

  7. #207
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Augsburg, Germany


    Since 17 years i play eldar now - never tried another army despite the tons of tempting models.

  8. #208
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Well, I got into 40K because of Inquistor Coteaz. I was at a co-workers desk one weekend, and he had a copy of WD with Coteaz on the cover. Loved the model, so I got that box set. Next thing you know I'm collecting a Demonhunters army and I'm official into 40k.

    But DH is a very hard army for a beginner, so I started collecting Imperial Guard stuff, becasue the tanks are way too cool & it was compatible with DH as allies. Love the Guard, they're now my primary army and I can easily field several thousand points for Apocalypse games (and still growing). I've also been buying Tallarn figures whenever I see them on sale, and someday will have a small Tallarn army to go with my "standard" IG army.

    Then of course I got a good deal on the stuff to make a very small Space Wolves 13th company and some parts for Witchhuners allies when a bunch of stores went out of business in the area. And of course since my buddy plays Tyranids and they look like fun, I picked up a big mega-bundle a few years back and got some extra 'Fexes.

    Then of course AoBR came out. I ended up with two of those and low and behold with a few more purchases, I ended up with a 2000+ points in Space Marines and Orks. Good figure.

    So, my favorites in order......
    1. My Imperial Guard Army (65th Yziridian - Urban Assault Specialists)
    2. Orks (I've only played one battle, but this army is TONS of fun to play and to convert models for)
    3. My Inquistioral Forces (A full DH army of 1850 pts & some miscellaneos WH components)
    4. Tyranids (Fun to paint and model the 'Fexes)
    5. 13th Company Space Wolves - (It was fun to play under the old rule and fun to model)
    6. Space Marines (Still haven't played with this force yet....go figure)

  9. #209
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Essex, UK


    5 or 6k Ultramarines
    2k Tau
    Just started an IG army - so far around 175 points but lots more to come

  10. #210
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I have my DH 2K with inducted guardsmen (another 2K).
    Then theirs my Imperial Fists 2K usually allying some DH
    Finally I have just started my imperial guard / DH army!!

    I cant wait to field combined imperium in Apocalypse !!!

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