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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Moyeuvre-Grande, Lorraine, France, France


    Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
    GW has shown intent to judge movement related issues for the larger flying base by using the base, no doubt it will addressed in a future rule update. Until then we should look to how GW are handling it, and they say it is the base that is judged in these situations.
    I do agree and that's exactly what is written in the rules and in the FaQ :
    _ when you measure, you use the general rule about skimmers
    _ when you need to know where are models, where to embark and disembark then you use what is said in the FaQ and you then you use the base

    The only grey areas I can see is about :
    _ assaulting the valkyrie : do assault troops need to assault the base or just need to assault the footprint on the ground ?
    _ deep striking squadrons ... there is nothing about such rules interactions ...

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I think the rain rulebook FAQ is less recent than the TOS tournament one (correct if wrong) so that would easily explain why it's not in the main FAQ.

    Plus we know how these things work - if a rule for situation X is cleared up in the Dark Eldar FAQ it will apply to same situations for other codex. While someone might argue that 'well situation X in the DE FAQ is just for them, my Tau still don't have a ruling for situation X in our army.' that's just being cheesey.

    The same would go, for me, with this:

    "This is an exception to the rule that states that a model that cannot completely move onto the table counts as destroyed, and this exception is made to take into consideration the protruding wings and tail sections of the models in question.

    Note that the base is also used in relation to enemy models, and as long as the Valkyrie, Vendetta or Storm Raven's base is not within 1" of enemy models at the end of its movement, it is perfectly legal to have enemy or friendly models, terrain, etc. underneath the wing, tail or nose of the vehicle."

    Measuring from the base is also mentioned for moving onto the board which further disqualifies the BRB 'ignore the base' rule.

    I know we won't agree, that's fine. But in a rules forum where rules are irrelevant to the model in question (clear flying stand) and other, official, rulings relate specifically to almost identical situations to the OP then you have to work with what you've got and use a little common sense! - Go visit, you know you want to!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Silversurfer View Post
    I do agree and that's exactly what is written in the rules and in the FaQ :
    _ when you measure, you use the general rule about skimmers
    _ when you need to know where are models, where to embark and disembark then you use what is said in the FaQ and you then you use the base

    The only grey areas I can see is about :
    _ assaulting the valkyrie : do assault troops need to assault the base or just need to assault the footprint on the ground ?
    _ deep striking squadrons ... there is nothing about such rules interactions ...
    Here, we assault the base. Disadvantage is it's a little further to charge, advantage is that it's much smaller to surround for purposes of destroying troops. It also clears up any issues you might end up with height differences - 'these guys cant assault because the tail is higher than the wings. I think this is more open to interpretation than the OP though and more of a grey area as you said.

    As for the deepstriking...... - Go visit, you know you want to!

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