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Thread: IG FAQ is up

  1. #11


    Good overall, bad call on the Advisors not stacking though.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by jpwyrm View Post
    Like they said though, it makes sense. Having two Astropath on different part of a battlefield giving contradictory information to reserves could in fact be liability in "real life".
    I'm disappointed in it as a rules choice, and the fluff justification is fine, but they could have very well justified the opposite choice as easily.

    I am glad it got clarified in any case though.


  3. #13


    Sweet. Thanks for the link.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Toronto, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by Grotzooka View Post
    Hmmm... Clarification on hot-shot lasguns and FRFSRF is good. However, I predict there will be some ranting about the "Advisor benefits don't stack" and "No taking Demolishers ect. with WH/DH" bits...
    I can't see the lack of Demolishers et al. in Inquisitorial armies being a huge issue, seeing as they couldn't take them in the previous edition either...

    A good FAQ, though, did a nice job of clearing things up.
    Last edited by The AKH; 09-03-2009 at 10:23 PM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Devizes, Wiltshire, UK


    I enjoyed this FAQ, not only did it address all the points that were made on BOLS just after the codex release (FRSRF hotshots, stacking, allies etc) it actually made a point of fluffing out the reasons why, even so far as to actually explaining that the hot shot lasgun isnt as robust as the normal lasgun, so can't take the abusive rapid trigger actions required by FRSRF, well done GW, catering for fluff over rules as written.

    i'm quite suprised that ogryns and terminators can't travel in valkyries, they'd still count as 2 models, so would take up the same space and weigh the same in the end.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackmojo View Post
    Its too bad about the advisors, but I'm glad they addressed it (and even more glad they addressed the Valkerie passenger issue).

    Although doesn't this make the valk act rather like an open topped vehicle since it now ignores its own access points.

    i think the idea is to assume the valkyrie is landed/hovering just above the ground for troops to embark/disembark, so the base still has access points at the rear and sides.
    Conscription in the Lucky 88th

  6. #16

    Default Nice

    Quote Originally Posted by revnow View Post
    IG FAQ is up

    That was fairly quick and complete!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Scary. GW may have produced a quality FAQ. I hope this is a portent of things to come.

  8. #18

    Default Valkryes need more?

    Quote Originally Posted by TSINI View Post
    I enjoyed this FAQ, not only did it address all the points that were made on BOLS just after the codex release (FRSRF hotshots, stacking, allies etc) it actually made a point of fluffing out the reasons why, even so far as to actually explaining that the hot shot lasgun isnt as robust as the normal lasgun, so can't take the abusive rapid trigger actions required by FRSRF, well done GW, catering for fluff over rules as written.

    i'm quite suprised that ogryns and terminators can't travel in valkyries, they'd still count as 2 models, so would take up the same space and weigh the same in the end.

    i think the idea is to assume the valkyrie is landed/hovering just above the ground for troops to embark/disembark, so the base still has access points at the rear and sides.
    I just think that would be giving the Valkrye just a little too much! A cheap model, with loads of fire power, the ability to move 24" from the side table edge and drop off its payload any where from start to finish, should also be able to carry Terminators when Space Marine Rhinos cannot? Why stop there when we can also make them armor value 14 and give them shrouding.


  9. #19


    I don't play IG but I have the codex (Love all the 40K fluff and I like having the codex for armies I'll play against to get familiar with their strengths/weaknesses). Gotta agree that as FAQs go, this one is nice, solid, and beefy. Here's hoping GW keeps up this kind of effort!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Colorado Springs, CO


    Quote Originally Posted by TSINI View Post

    i'm quite suprised that ogryns and terminators can't travel in valkyries, they'd still count as 2 models, so would take up the same space and weigh the same in the end.
    It's similar to Termies not being able to use rhinos/razorbacks - they vehicle wasn't created to handle such bulky passengers. (I would relate it to these troops being taller, but that just opens it up for "I'll have them duck/kneel/sit" - and is not worth the arguing.)

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