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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Vancouver, BC


    I would have to say Storm of Iron by Graham McNeil that is an entertaining read, give lots of info on the Iron Warriors too (if you're into that...)
    the Ciaphas Cain series is great for a laugh, and the much lighter look on the 40k universe is refreshing (you don't even have to start at the begining of the series!)
    Gaunt's Ghosts FTW (start from the begining)
    i'm not into fantasy so no help there, sorry
    I reject your reality and replace it with my own.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Auckland, NZ


    Horus Heresy for the win, except for Battle for the abyss which was terrible. I enjoyed Brotherhood of the Snake.Titanicus is a brilliant tie-in to the Horus Heresy series.

  3. #33


    Guant's Ghost series without a doubt is one of the best if not the best.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Minneapolis, MN


    The "Eisenhorn" trilogy, while not perfect by any means, is a damn good read. Intriguing characters, exciting plot, good dialogue - it's really a great experience.

    Otherwise, I can't really recommend anything. The Black Library doesn't really publish anything good these days, and probably will continue in that fashion for the foreseeable future.

  5. #35


    First point when reading BL: Don't expect masterpieces of literature. i love most of the BL books I read, their great action and adventure stories. But they aren't going to be taught in a high school English class. That out the way, I recommend picking up an omnibus of some sort. Normally about 3 novels in one, its cheaper, takes up less room then getting all the stories separate. I have personally read the Eisenhorn, Ciaphus Cain, and Soul Drinkers omnibus. All three highly recommended. I also read the first two Blood Angels novels, and they were decent, not great. If you can get the BA omnibus/novels cheap like I did, grab em. If not, don't bother.

    Out of the single novels I read, I reccomend:

    Lord of the Night (All time favorite 40k novel)
    Legion (My only Horus Heresy novel so far)
    Traitor General (Only Guants Ghost novel so far)
    15 Hours (Okay writing, but point of view was interesting)

    I do not recommend either Desert Raiders.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Houston, Texas


    I've read 99% of the Black Library 40k books. (kinda insane). The ones I haven't read are on my night stand.Most people think 40k fiction is only for people who play 40k. I have got people at work hooked (like they have read as many as I have) on these books and they have NEVER held a miniature in their life. There is something visceral (and juvenille in a good way) about these books. I love them.

    If I was to start from scratch the ones that I would suggest are:

    Storm of Iron
    The first Gaunt's Ghosts Omnibus - best IG stories
    Space Wolf Omnibus - best marines stories
    Ciaphas Cain Hero of the Imperium Omnibus - if you can take some very very dry humor with your 40k
    Eisenhorn Omnibus

    Black Library does a good job of recycling their books into Omnibus. Makes it easy to catch up.

    I would AVOID

    Inquisition War
    Anything with the words "C.S. Goto" on the cover

  7. #37


    Space Wolf Omnibus - best marines stories
    Hmm. Would you reccomend them above Soul Drinkers? I love the SD novels, and if SW are better then I might have to pick it up. Been a hard time choosing between Space Wolf and Ultramarine omnibus'....and ofcourse now Ravenor Omnibus is out so I may pick that one instead. Which would uou suggest first?

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Norfolk, VA


    The book that started this entire hobby for me was "Relentless" by Richard Williams.
    Amazingly he only wrote the one book for 40k that I am aware of (I think he mostly writes fantasy). Also it is more of an Imperial Navy book than anything else. There wasn't a Space Marine in it...
    However, following the casting down and eventual rise of the Captain Becket of the Relentless does a great job of introducing someone to the nature of the 40k galaxy. Dark and forbidding, while simultaneously full of heroism and human wherewithall. It really shows that betrayal and death are common, and only the strong survive within the Imperium.
    This was a fantastic read.
    Last edited by rsheridan5; 09-04-2009 at 06:53 AM.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Houston, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Sitnam View Post
    Hmm. Would you reccomend them above Soul Drinkers? I love the SD novels, and if SW are better then I might have to pick it up. Been a hard time choosing between Space Wolf and Ultramarine omnibus'....and ofcourse now Ravenor Omnibus is out so I may pick that one instead. Which would uou suggest first?
    I am a fan of SD and personally I think Graham McNeill is the BL best 40k writer (Abnett is great but I prefer McNeill because many of Abnett's novels have what feel to be rushed endings -- like he was up against a page count and rushed the end). However King's first Space Wolf novel is very unique and imho very good - it reads like fantasy and then like sci fi - very unique. Really you cant go wrong with any of them.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Precinct 13


    Personally I think that for starters

    40K : Dan Abnett and the Gaunt's Ghosts books
    WFB: William King and the Gotrek & Felix books (These go down hill when Nathan Long takes over writing duties) but most of the books can be had dirt cheap as collections now.

    Both writers are excellent.

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