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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Lakewood, CO

    Default Salamanders bitz help

    Ok, I'll eventually be making a blog for this army, which so far has quite a bit done....assembled, painted, based (Vulkan, 4 tac sqds, 2 vindicators, 1 ea type of terminator squads, a LRR and a LR, and 4 convertible rhino/razorbacks). However, since its inception this was an 'Ard Boyz army, though I stayed in character. Vulkan (He'Stan) has always been the extent of my HQ, and I hadn't made any of the traditional command/veteran units because it didn't fit my 'Ard Boyz plan, not to mention Vulkan not getting a command squad.

    I've now been expanding, working its way towards a full battle company+. Inspiration is especially continuing to come as more fluff is being revealed as I work my way through the Salamander novel, which is why I've held off designating a company and names. I've mostly stuck to 40K bitz thus far, the only real outside bitz being the lizard capes from Dark Elves Corsairs. I had to order 10, but the only one used was for my custom-made Vulkan, which I'm happily keeping as I have issues with the GW model. I made a command squad since, though it's not finished, but have decided to use those leftover capes for the chapter master and honor guard.

    So far it's mostly tac squads and vehicles, but I really want to pimp out my command units (captain/cmd sqd, Chapter Master Tu'Shan/honor guard) and veterans (vanguard/sternguard)

    The thing I really need help with is from people who have knowledge of fantasy kits, and the pieces they contain... especially if there are pices from the lizardmen sets that are worthwhile. I've never even looked at anything fantasy, so I have no knowledge there whatsoever. I'm thoroughly familiar with 90% of the 40k sets and what they have, but perhaps the biggest thing I'm looking for is a thunder hammer for my captain, other than the ones that come w/ matter how I've tried to convert it just doesn't look right to me, and the one on Torquemada Coteaz is too molded in to work. I'd like to stick to a GW piece if possible, but if someone knows of an outside company that makes a good hammer for the normal/non-terminator marine scale I'm game. In general though, I'm interested in anything with lizards/scaly out there.

  2. #2


    Take a look at my site
    [url][/url] we have all the lizardmen plastics up there

  3. #3


    Dark Elves have some cool cloaks that'd go great with Salamanders.
    Lizardmen of course have all kinds of Salamander-esque bits.
    And Chapterhouse Studios specialize in Salamander bits.
    Check it:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Lakewood, CO


    Thanks for that Chapter House....I checked em out, I'll probably get some.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Oakville Ontario Canada


    The usual grabs are Dark Elf Corsair cloaks, and any model that happens to have a torch on them :P (I think I have a few links of these if you are interested) I've also seen some Saurus Warrior heads used well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Bits examples:

    Corsair cloak:

    I had serious issues with painting Salamander skin, so I gave my scouts respirator heads from the Forge World Elysians:

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Leeds, England


    Scouts look awesome btw!
    Ive found the chaos Dragon Heads for the end of your tank Weaponry, maybe these help:





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